Weekly Lifestream 2011-03-27

Picking up Savannah after school awards. She cleaned up. Great view from school patio twitpic.com/4d8wut # well now… looks like I have the next 10 days off work – woot! # Two days with my new Audi A6 and convinced I made the right decision. Love the old Mercedes but this Audi makes for a […]

Weekly Lifestream 2011-03-20

will have to post some images of the new car tomorrow. The ride home through the mountain pass was a blast. Loving this Audi A6! # Oh oh. Just getting ready to sign papers on new car. Audi A6. Sweet! Suzanne upgrading to my old Mercedes. # is it time to buy new car? been […]

Weekly Lifestream 2011-03-13

Jackie Chan or Pat Morita? Normally, would go with Chan, but in Karate Kid, gotta give the nod to Morita. # oh great. bunch of whackos here in S. Arizona want to form a new state Baja Arizona. give me a break. they can leave any time! # guess spring is over. We had our […]

Weekly Lifestream 2011-03-06

Savannah heading to the State Geography Bee! Just found out tonight that she qualified as one of top 50 in the state! We are lucky parents! # oh man. Not enough doors in this house to close to separate me from that American Idol crap the girls are watching! And it's NCIS night! # and […]

Weekly Lifestream 2011-02-27

still saying 3-6 inches of snow here tonight. believe it when I see it… # okay, seems fixed. another FB fail fixed. so I really havent been quit for last 3 weeks. FB just didnt want to show my updates. # argh! still not working. FB fail again. removed and readded, so lets hope. # […]

Weekly Lifestream 2011-02-20

oh, gag me… girls watching the Grammys red carpte… lol, couldnt pay me enough to watch that… # strange day here. power out for three hours. and then neighbors property was on fire (wild grass). quickly put out by fire dept # woo hoo. power back after three hours. gonna delay my brisket and chicken […]

Weekly Lifestream 2011-02-13

ohhh nooooooooooooooo. Glee time… ahhhh.. someone help me – my wife is crazy 😉 # Sad time now. Football season over. Can't wait until next season. Lets hope there is a next season! #nfl # good game. Nice effort both teams! Love it when the game keeps your interest and you dont care who wins […]

Weekly Lifestream 2011-02-06

9 degs outside this morning. Long time since I have seen those. Record lows for Tucson area. I must have a winter coat around here somewhere # hmmm… going to 17 degs next couple nights. was just 70 this weekend. gotta love the desert! # what? there is a football game on tonight? oh, didn't […]

Weekly Lifestream 2011-01-30

Take him over #dupnik any day RT @azcentral: Arpaio's two-day crime sweep leads to 83 arrests: ow.ly/3MFpm # hmmm… one in every crowd bit.ly/hedteP # watching John Wayne in El Dorado. very nice night! # and so ends a very long couple weeks at work. but it ended GREAT! so gonna enjoy this 3 day […]

Weekly Lifestream 2011-01-23

busy, busy, busy week. Next Thursday can't come fast enough – or maybe its slow enough so I have more time to prepare for meeting at work! #