I’ve Joined Payperpost

I have been blogging here at Mr Papa’s world for over three years now (the last two years in its current WordPress format). Most of my posts have been related to what’s been happening in our family. A few posts have ventured out into politics or our favorite pastime cruise travel or other unrelated areas. One of the things that I have wanted to do for a while is review things and post my opinions on them.

Well, today, after several days of research, that time has come. I have now joined payperpost. Payperpost is a blogging community where folks that are accepted in get to write posts or reviews about a wide range of products and services. The sweet part is that I get paid for writing the posts or reviews.

My research convinced me that Payperpost was a reputable organization. I was a bit worried that they would want me to be all fluffy and gushy about the post or review, but they really want an honest, open and independent view point on the product or service. Also, I read a good many of the other paid payperpost bloggers out there and found the a lot of them to be interesting.

In the interest of full and open disclosure, I have added a disclosure page here at Mr Papa’s World indicating that I take some compensation for some of my posts. In addition, each paid post or review that I do for Payperpost will be clearly marked as being a sponsored post. This should be a fun and interesting venture!

The majority of my posts will still be dealing with my World (ie the Klasen family), but If this goes well and the money flows nicely, I would like to get my own server for my blogging sites. As always, comments will still be welcome on any of my sponsored posts. If you are interested in joining the Payperpost blogging community, please sign up.

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