Late Night with Sean

Wow, good morning. Unfortunately, it came too soon. I think I need a summer vacation like the kids get from school. Sean is very much like me and loves to stay up late. With no school and it being a weekend, he wanted to stay up late gaming last night. I definitely am not as young as I used to be.

It was a fun night though. We enjoyed a whole mess of Xbox 360 games. The one that got the most play time would have been EA Sports Tiger Woods. I really wish they had Links for the Xbox 360, because I think its a better game than Tiger Woods, but no such luck. We ended the night with an hour or so of Texas Hold Em online. He wants to get ready for the upcoming family reunion for the poker games that are likely to ensue. He keeps hearing how good Grammy is so he wants to be ready.

He was pushing me to stay up all night, but we finally headed for bed about 3:15 am. So when I woke up at 8:00 this morning, it didnt seem like a big night of sleep. I dont sleep in no matter how late I stay up. I just like the morning. Sitting on the back porch drinking a diet pepsi looking at the scenic mountains is a great way to start the day.

Of course, as I type this, Sean is still sound asleep.

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