Mr Papa’s World Theme Update

You will notice a slight update to Mr Papa’s World. Okay, maybe its a bit more than slight, but the basic appearance is the same. I have gone to three columns for easier layout of information. In addition, I now show four random images in the sidebar and have tweaked a few minor other appearances.

Enjoy and as always, comments are welcome.


  1. Anne Pechuls says


    I like the look.


  2. Thanks! I will probably continue tweaking and adding a few things, but I am pretty happy for now…

    Mr Papa

  3. Looks great! As you saw, I am still tinkering on my site. Sorry I missed you in the “Shoutbox”, I was converting a DiVX file that I am trying to put up in a video on the site. Didn’t see you stop by! I should mod the code so that it makes an audible sound when a new chat is entered. As far as the Shoutbox not recognizing you….I don’t know! I have to manually input my name in the box (simply overwrite the guest_xxxx username). Go figure!

  4. ๐Ÿ˜† now we just miss each other here… of course, I dont have a shout box yet… soon… maybe…

    Mr Papa

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