Sonoita Web Launches

After some holiday fine tuning, I am finally ready to launch my new community web site, Sonoita Web.  This site was developed as a community website for my rural community of Sonoita, AZ.

Whether or not anyone in Sonoita actually uses it, is to be seen.  However, already today, there have been a bunch of visitors that got there from searching for Sonoita information. Hopefully, it will help those interested in information on Sonoita and also be an online gathering place for the community.  If not, it was still fun to develop and keeps my mind working hard.

Currently, there is a lot of local information, a few pictures and some forums set up.  I hope to be constantly updating the site with local information and events for the Sonoita area.

If you get a chance, please head on over to Sonoita Web, look around and let me know what you think.


  1. Looks good, Papa!

  2. Thanks Bernard! I hope it takes off… Will most likely take some time for it to be “discovered” 😆

    Mr Papa

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