Busy Times With Websites (and small family update)

Wow, what a busy time… I recently launched a couple of new sites, Lords of Seis and Lions Fans Online and that took up some time. But the biggest drain over the last week has been moving my stuff to a new server.

I was starting to reach the limits of my allowed bandwidth and disk storage, plus I was getting these very annoying internal server errors on my sites – mostly in the admin area. If you saw any of these, they seem to be a thing of the past with the new host. Not everyone has propagated over to the new location though, so I wont be adding too much content for a few days to give everyone a chance to catch up.

Tomorrow, is our annual trek to Douglas on the Arizona / Mexico border for Sean’s football game down there. It’s about an hour and fifteen minute drive, so not too bad, but it will chew up a nice chunk of the day. Of course, Savannah and her girls will be on the sidelines cheering the boys on.

Planning for our next family reunion in the Summer of 2008 continues. The Klasen family will be getting together in Michigan next Summer. Once the details firm up a bit more, I will do a post (or get Suzanne to) about the details.

There will also be a Pechuls (Suzanne’s side) family reunion next Spring in Texas. We will be staying for about a week down in the San Antonio area. Still a bit of work to do there too since all of the accommodations aren’t lined up yet. Again, a more detailed post when the logistics are firmed up.

Suzanne has been busy with her singing. Lots of benefit performances and some paying gigs. Remember, you can follow her singing schedule and sample some music on her Sonoita Singer blog.

Cruise Talk Central is really beginning to take off also. If you want to see some past videos of our cruises, you can check them out there. Suzanne has another batch in the pipeline almost ready to put up.

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