Heading into college, if I thought I could have made a living at it, I might have been a Civil War Historian. I was, and to a lesser extent, fascinated by that particular war. Like many, I used to play the old Avalon War type board games for hours. I played a lot of strategy war games, but the Civil War era always captured the most attention.
When strategy war games entered the computer era, they just didnt seem to do it justice, especially in the Civil War genre. Sid Meier’s Gettysburg came along and was fun, but something was missing. Recently, a couple of guys in their spare time have developed a new RTS game engine aimed at the Civil War. The guys are MadMinute Games. Their first release The History Channel’s Civil War: The Battle of Bull Run was an awesome, ground breaking game. Unfortunately, it was plagued by a poor publishing company and was not marketted well though it received rave reviews.
The guys over at MadMinute Games are getting ready to release their next game complete with new publisher. If you are into Civil War RTS games that feature the best AI I have seen to date, check out their stuff. You can download a demo of the first game to get an idea. Be sure to stop on by the forums as they have the most incredible user community I have seen. They will help you with any questions you might have.
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