Sean’s Birthday

This week is Sean’s birthday. The young boy will be turning 12. Having kids birthdays in the middle of the week are always rough, especially given our hectic schedule. We always have to decide whether to celebrate it the weekend before or the weekend after.

Well, we sort of punted this year and kind of split it. We throw the kids a big party every other year on the birthday with their friends. On the alternate years, we have a nice family day, usually going into town and doing a bunch of things and getting dinner out. We decided to go into Sierra Vista or Tucson the weekend following his birthday and see a movie, play some putt putt and grab some dinner.

We did however, allow him to open a few gifts this past weekend instead of waiting until the weekend after to open all of them. We let him pick two gifts and open them. He happened to open two new board games. They were Balderdash and Simpsons Battle of the Sexes. Thus, we spent the weekend playing these new boardgames and watching the Olympics.

Balderdash is a very fun game, especially for larger groups. The dasher (the person whose turn it is), looks at a card and has a weird word, strange acronym, odd movie, crazy law, or strange name. These are typically things you have never heard of before. Everyone makes up the definition of the term that is read aloud. The dasher then reads all the answer and everyone votes for the one they think is correct. Based on the answers, points are awarded. Its pretty funny what folks come up with, not to mention what the real answer might be.

The Simpons Battle of the Sexes isn’t really my cup of tea. Its another variation of a trivia game. Trivia games are not my favorites. The kids and Suzanne did enjoy it though. The girls managed to win by one point.

I will update you on the actual birthday festivities next weekend.

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