[image title=”IMG_5928″ size=”medium” id=”2902″ align=”right” ] Well wouldn’t you know it! Sean turned 13 this year and he picked Hooters for the location of his 13th Birthday Celebrations. Sean said he wanted to go their for the food (which is still quite good) and yes, for the scenery. The Hooters Girls didn’t let him down. […]
My Birthday
Well, tomorrow is my birthday. Turning the big 45. I probably shouldn’t mention it, but hey, you are only as old as you think you are. Luckily, tomorrow is one of our off Fridays at work, so I get to stay home, relax and spend some quality time on the computer. Okay, so I am […]
Happy Birthday Savannah!

Well, technically it was yesterday, but today being Saturday, we are doing most of the celebration activities today. More on that later… Yesterday the kids had a half day of school and their 1st Semester awards program. Both kids received honor roll once again with Sean earning a 4.96 grade point and Savannah earning a […]
Sean’s Birthday
This week is Sean’s birthday. The young boy will be turning 12. Having kids birthdays in the middle of the week are always rough, especially given our hectic schedule. We always have to decide whether to celebrate it the weekend before or the weekend after. Well, we sort of punted this year and kind of […]
Sean’s Birthday
Technically, Sean’s birthday is Tuesday, but we kind of had our family deal this weekend. Next weekend, we will take him and a few of his friends out to lunch and bowling. For dinner, he wanted some spicy food, so I made him some Jambalaya. I don’t think he had ever had it before, but […]
Happy Birthday Suzanne
Happy Birthday to Suzanne! Today, she turns 40 years old. Enjoy the day!
Savannah’s Birthday
Tomorrow is Savannah’s 9th birthday. She is excited and been planning all sorts of stuff for her Birthday. This weekend, I allowed her to plan the menu for Sunday to count for her Birthday dinner. Boy, she went to town and planned a 5 course dinner. For an appetizer, she had me make her Scampi […]
What’s Wrong With This Picture?
I always knew we were screwed up here in Mr Papa’s World. Just look at the activities around the homestead today… Suzanne made a trip to Home Depot this morning to get some hardware supplies for the decorating project in Savannah’s room. She wanted her room redone as her Birthday present. Meanwhile, Mr Papa was […]
Happy Birthday Sean!
Happy Birthday to Sean today. He is now the big 10 years old! Wow, time sure flies when kids are growing. We had a fun birthday weekend. An earlier post detailed the fun present opening, Benihana’s dinner and mini golf birthday celebration that we had for Sean. Sunday was spent watching the PGA Championship, playing […]
Sean’s Birthday Celebration
Sean’s birthday is officially Monday and he will be 10. However, he has football practice and hip hop dance class on Monday, so it didnt make sense to celebrate it on Monday. We made plans to go in to Tucson late Saturday afternoon, have some dinner and play some mini golf. Afterwards, we would come […]
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