After much convincing by our daughter, Mr. Papa agreed to get an adorable female yellow Lab named Sandy. A local family had the litter of 8 boys and 1 girl, and Mr. Papa said we could get one if the girl wasn’t already taken. We were the first to ask specifically for the girl so […]
Suzanne “Putting on a Show” to raise money for church building foundation
This weekend, Suzanne has put together a fund raising variety show for our parish building foundation. Our Lady of the Angels Catholic Mission church received a donation of land a few years ago, and since that time our parish has put together various fund raisers to support our future building efforts. Tomorrow, Suzanne will be […]
Rome – Transatlantic 2009 – Wrap Up
The cruise/vacation is officially over. Yesterday we returned home. Our day in Fort Lauderdale was restful and uneventful. None us wanted to do anything but relax, so about all we did was swim in the pool at the hotel and eat. With a 4:30 AM wake up call for our flight back home, we turned […]
Rome – Transatlantic 2009 Day 15 – Atlantic Crossing Day 2
Yesterday was the 2nd day of our crossing. The weather has continued to hold nicely with at most 6 foot swells. We did run through a couple of rain showers, but the Captain explained those as necessary because of budget cuts and he need to clean the outside of the ship. It’s really nice to […]
Rome – Transatlantic 2009 Day 7 – Boarding the Celebrity Solstice
Yesterday, we began our Transatlantic cruise from Rome (Citavecchia) to Ft Lauderdale back in the States. As much as we enjoyed our stay in Rome, we were still anxious for the cruise to begin as it was the most looked forward to part of the whole vacation. The morning began with a bell pepper, onion […]
Rome – Transatlantic 2009 Days 2 and 3 – Arrival in Rome
Our vacation to Rome and Transatlantic cruise back home continued today with our departure from Dallas after a nice pre Thanksgiving dinner with the Pechuls and Jarzynkas. I have combined days 2 and 3 into a single blog entry since most of the time was spent in airports or on airplanes. Our departure from DFW […]
Rome – Transatlantic 2009 Day 1
Yesterday was a pretty easy start ot our vacation. Since the true beginning destination of our vacation this year is in Rome, Italy, we have a good amount of traveling to do just to get there. Yesterday, we knocked out a couple of those hours and travelled to Dallas, TX. Suzanne’s parents and her sister […]
Sad News, The Puppy Didn’t Make It
I just got off the phone with the adoption agency and the puppy didn’t make it. He just went down hill too quickly before they could get him to the doctor. So pray for Savannah, she’s a bit heart broken. The lady is going to take him for a necropsy tomorrow, thinking that he got […]
A New Puppy, and a few worries.

[image title=”smokey” size=”medium” id=”2905″ align=”left” ] This weekend we brought home a new puppy, a 4 1/2 month old male lab mix named Smokey. A local animal rescue kennel had a bunch of dogs for adoption at the rodeo this weekend. There were several that are really mellow and really cute. All of them were […]
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