So Sean enters high school next year. Am I really that old? And has time really gone by that fast! Wow… Even worse, we have been doing a lot of running around for both kids getting them to various events almost every day of the week. We had hoped that it would ease up a […]
Sean “Wins” Lottery
We recently posted about Sean having to enter a lottery for his high school choice. Since we live in rural Arizona and in an area without a high school, kids get to choose which high school they want to go to. There are about 5 realistically choices in the area (ie within 45 mins) where […]
Sean and Savannah Qualify for Math Counts Competition
A couple of days ago the kids middle school held a math competition for the students to see which students would get to go to the regional Math Counts competition. Sean competed last year and placed fourth in the region if my memory serves me right. This was Savannah’s first attempt at the Math Counts […]
Report Cards, Teacher Conferences, and High School Selection
Last Friday was a busy day as we had our parent teacher conferences with the middle school teachers and got the kids report cards. Sean had all A’s with a 4.05 GPA Gold Honor Roll. Savannah just missed Gold Honor Roll with a 3.9 GPA Silver Honor Roll. The teachers said that the 3.9 is […]
Football Week 2
Yes! The Lions finally win! They broke their 20 game losing streak and beat the Washington Redskins by a score of 19 – 14. And you know what, they actually looked quite good doing it. They have been steadily improving each week. While I don’t think they will win a bunch of games or make […]
Football Season Begins
It’s that time of the year again – football season! It’s the best time of the year for me. I really enjoy football on the weekends. For us, that typically means two things: Detroit Lions football and Sean’s football games. Now, we watch lots of NFL games on Sunday (and Monday) but it all revolves […]
Hooters for Sean’s Birthday!!!

[image title=”IMG_5928″ size=”medium” id=”2902″ align=”right” ] Well wouldn’t you know it! Sean turned 13 this year and he picked Hooters for the location of his 13th Birthday Celebrations. Sean said he wanted to go their for the food (which is still quite good) and yes, for the scenery. The Hooters Girls didn’t let him down. […]
Sean Broke His Foot
Monday morning during PE Class, Sean rolled his foot on the basketball court while playing capture the flag. It was hurting him when I picked him up from school, but he was still able to walk on it. I sent him to football practice, but after about a 1/2 hour the coach noticed that he […]
My Poor Blog
Oh my poor little blog. How I have neglected it lately! It’s not really by choice, but things have become hectic around here. It probably sounds old, but with work and the kids now doing something damn near every night, time for Mr Papa’s World has been limited. I have managed to do little “Quick […]
Baseball Struggles Continue
Sean’s baseball team struggles continue with another loss. At least they are getting better each game and closer too. This time, the went down to defeat by a score of 10 – 7. The good new is that at one point in the game, they were actually leading 7 – 6. But once again, a […]
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