Well, time flies. The college adventure for Sean is just around the corner. Is he ready? Who knows! But his school stats seem to indicate he is. 3rd in his class and a nice 34 on the ACT. But what about football? He would really like to play in college. Sean has had 7 or […]
Celebrity Sihouette Cruise 2013, Fantastic Vacation

We could not have been more happy with our Celebrity Silhouette cruise over Spring Break with the kids from March 17th to March 31st. I have so many detailed items about which to write that I plan to write a few separate articles over the coming days detailing some of the highlights and the few […]
Christmas 2012

Well Christmas 2012 was a great time family and fun. Savannah is now head chef around here with Steve demoted to carving station attendant. But that combination plus our foolproof rib roast recipe did not disappoint us on Christmas eve. Savannah cooked up a fantastic meal of Red Wine Risotto with peas, homemade brioche, and […]
Football and Cheer Come (Almost) to an End in 2012

This year we had the joy of watching Savannah cheer at the home JV football games, watch Sean play some awesome defensive line, (and occasional offensive line), and then got to see them both at the play off games. We were thrilled the the coach decided to bring all of the cheerleaders to support the […]
Fun Weekend

We had a fun weekend this past weekend – a chance to get out of town and spend some family time together. Savannah had a cheerleading competition in Phoenix all day Saturday. Her school, Empire High School, did extremely well. They had multiple solo cheer winners as well as all three squads (JV, Pom, and […]
Following Our Passion With Our New Business

We are very excited to announce that we, Suzanne and Steve, have opened our own travel agency in the form of a CruiseOne franchise location in Sonoita, AZ serving customers in our local area, all of Southern Arizona, and nationwide. This is something that we had been thinking about for a while, but we finally […]
Tucson paper HS football preview
Tucson paper HS football preview has Sean listed as top newcomer to Empire varsity – AZ Star Net Article. It has poor formatting – Division IV near bottom What it shows: Empire • Nickname: Ravens • Coach: Jorge Mendivil (38-26) • 2011 record: 8-4 • Top returners: Sean Fitzsimmons, Jr., RB/LB; Chance Hatfield, Jr., RB/LB; […]
Varsity Football Pre Season Game

Tonight was the first preseason scrimmage for Empire Varsity football. Sean started at defensive tackle tonight. He just wont the position the day before and the coach told him to show him what he could do. Boy did he. Some really good hits and tackles tonight including one where he flipped the running back who […]
Our Honeymoon Cruise on the Grand Dame Rotterdam

This weekend Suzanne was rummaging through the closet and came across a box with some of our old pictures and videos from our honeymoon cruise almost 20 years ago. We took a wonderful cruise to Alaska onboard the venerable Holland America Rotterdam. She was commissioned in 1958 and sailed the seas until 2000 when she […]
First 2012 Photo Albums Available

Its only July, but we finally got a few pictures uploaded to some albums! 😉 Its not like we haven’t been doing things, just have not taken as many pictures as usual. Of course, lacking a true family vacation this year has not helped either. Anyways, enjoy the pictures and we will try to do […]
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