Stormy is turning out to be a great dog. She is already house broken, getting along well with the older dog, and learing to be comfortable around all kinds of people. She is going on long walks every day, which tire her out, but she loves to stride right along SueEllen. She also likes to […]
Stormy, Puppy #2, Going Really Well So Far

After finding out that Smokey died from Parvo, we expressed interest to the adoption agency in his sister. We wanted to wait about two weeks for several reasons. First, we wanted to make sure that she was healthy, because she had probably been exposed to the virus at the same time Smokey was, and we […]
Sad News, The Puppy Didn’t Make It
I just got off the phone with the adoption agency and the puppy didn’t make it. He just went down hill too quickly before they could get him to the doctor. So pray for Savannah, she’s a bit heart broken. The lady is going to take him for a necropsy tomorrow, thinking that he got […]
A New Puppy, and a few worries.

[image title=”smokey” size=”medium” id=”2905″ align=”left” ] This weekend we brought home a new puppy, a 4 1/2 month old male lab mix named Smokey. A local animal rescue kennel had a bunch of dogs for adoption at the rodeo this weekend. There were several that are really mellow and really cute. All of them were […]
Destructo Dog Demolishes Door Frame

While we were enjoying the excitement and fun of Bandera, Texas, our dogsitter called us to let us know that our beloved Sue Ellen, the wonder mutt, had gone a little nuts while we were gone and managed to shred the door frame in our bathroom that served as her kennel. The dog sitter had […]
Why Dogs Bite…

If you have ever wondered why dogs bite humans, I think the images below sum it up pretty well…
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