Today, I have uploaded photos from the last two days of our recent Transatlantic cruise from Rome, Italy to Fort Lauderdal, Fl on board the Celebrity Solstice. This means that all of our photos from this fantastic vacation in Rome, followed by another terrific cruise have been uploaded. I hope you enjoy the pictures! See […]
All Rome and Celebrity Solstice Transatlantic Cruise Photos Now Uploaded
Next Batch of Photot From Rome / Transatlantic Cruise Uploaded
Today, I have uploaded photos from the next six days of our recent Transatlantic cruise from Rome, Italy to Fort Lauderdal, Fl on board the Celebrity Solstice. This was a fantastic cruise and I hope it shows in the pictures. We still one more batch of photos from the last two days to prep, but […]
Rome – Transatlantic 2009 – Wrap Up
The cruise/vacation is officially over. Yesterday we returned home. Our day in Fort Lauderdale was restful and uneventful. None us wanted to do anything but relax, so about all we did was swim in the pool at the hotel and eat. With a 4:30 AM wake up call for our flight back home, we turned […]
Rome – Transatlantic 2009 Day 19 – Atlantic Crossing Day 6
Yesterday was the last sea day of our transatlantic cruise from Rome, Italy to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Thus far it has been an absolutely fabulous cruise. The weather finally turned against us as it pretty much rained all day. The temperature remained warm and the seas remained calm at 2 – 3 foot sea state. […]
Rome – Transatlantic 2009 Day 17 – Atlantic Crossing Day 4
Yesterday was the 4th sea day of the Atlantic crossing on this Celebrity Solstice transatlantic cruise. I hate to sound like a broken record, but the weather continues to just absolutely rock. Temperatures were in the upper 70’s with clear skies and continued very calm seas. After an early breakfast, I headed up to the […]
Rome – Transatlantic 2009 Day 16 – Atlantic Crossing Day 3
Yesterday was the 3rd sea day of the Atlantic crossing on our Celebrity Solstice Rome to Fort Lauderdale transatlantic cruise. It was another beautiful sea day with the weather nice and the seas once again calm. Looks like luck will continue to be on our side and we will have another transatlantic cruise without bad […]
Rome – Transatlantic 2009 Day 4 – Touring Rome
Yesterday was our first full day in Rome and boy did we get out and about in the town. We hoofed it around town to the tune of 6 or 7 miles of walking. It was a good full day and we saw some wonderful sites. The kids did a great job of keeping up. […]
Next Cruise Booked
Well, we have done it. As discussed in a previous post, we have been planning our next cruise. Now, we have gone and booked the cruise. Its going to be another transatlantic cruise. This time, from Rome, Italy to Ft Lauderdale, FL. It may seem odd to do a transatlantic for a second year in […]
Barcelona and Transatlantic Cruise 2008 – Day 17 – Atlantic Crossing

[image title=”img_5157″ size=”thumbnail” id=”2122″ align=”none” linkto=”viewer” ] Today was our fifth and final straight sea day as part of the Atlantic crossing. The seas have continued to remain very calm with swells of only 3 feet. The weather warms up every day as we approach the Caribbean. Temperatures are in the low 80’s with some […]
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