Well, sort of… It is time for the regional Showstopper dance competition weekend in Phoenix once again. However, Suzanne’s and Savannah’s dance studio has decided to not do Showstopper this year. I am not really sure why, but the studio is passing this year. That doesn’t mean the girls are passing this year – at […]
Barcelona and Transatlantic Cruise 2008 – Day 8 – Day at Sea

[image title=”029″ size=”thumbnail” id=”2073″ align=”none” linkto=”viewer” ] Today we enjoyed another day at sea after having visited Malagal, Spain yesterday. During the night, the seas picked up a bit. At the noon time update, the Captain reported that we would be experiencing a sea state with about 10 – 12 foot swells. The ship did […]
Quick Showstopper Update
The kids and I are having a fantastic time in Anaheim at the Showstopper Competition. For the kids, all of their Solo and Group numbers scored in the Gold award category. Thursday was a full day with Sean and Savannah performing their Mexican Folklorico routines Then Savannah’s Polynesian class performed their number followed by Sean […]
Showstopper Results
What a busy, but fabulous day we had yesterday at the Regional Phoenix Showstopper Dance competition. The highlight of the day for us was winning over-all awards in our age groups. Sean and Savannah won the overall award for recreational 8 & under (Average age) with their Mexican Polka “Norteno” performed with their Folklorico class. […]
Showstopper Dance Competition This Weekend
This weekend we will be journeying to Phoenix on our annual February trek for the Showstopper Regional Dance Competition. Once again, Suzanne and the kids will be competing in various dance categories. As usual, Mr Papa will be on the sidelines in the audience watching the performances. This year, Savannah will be competing in six […]
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