Well, sort of… It is time for the regional Showstopper dance competition weekend in Phoenix once again. However, Suzanne’s and Savannah’s dance studio has decided to not do Showstopper this year. I am not really sure why, but the studio is passing this year. That doesn’t mean the girls are passing this year – at […]
New Dance Site Launched
Okay, time to reveal where I have been lately. Suzanne decided that the dance studio she and the kids go to needed a new and improved website. To be honest, they did. The previous one was fixed html and very, very slow due to incredibly large images (30 MB+) being show as thumbnails. Anyways, she […]
It’s Been A Heavy Monsoon

This year has been a heavy rain monsoon season. In fact, the wild field grass on our property has been growing wild the last couple of months. We usually have to cut the grass (if you can call it that) on our property maybe 3 or 4 times a year. We usually have to cut […]
Tune-in to the Showstopper Live Webcast
The Showstopper National Dance finals have a live web-cast of the dance competition so friends and family from across the world can view our dance routines online. We’ll be out in Anaheim next week for the competition. The competition schedule was released this week. The process of viewing the dances on the web is pretty […]
Where’s Mr Papa? Plus Another Victory
Wow, been a while since my last post – my apologies. It’s been a busy time. And a fun time. I will try to bring yall up to date on what’s been going on. First, last night was another victory for Sean’s baseball team. They won a close game by a score of 7 – […]
Showstopper Scores
The scores and results are now posted on the Showstopper Website. Here are the scores and some past scores for comparative purpose. Savannah’s Solo’s both got 79.5. Last year she got 79.0 at Regionals and 80.3 at Nationals. Sean’s solo got a 79.6. The closest thing with which to compare that result would be his […]
Showstopper Results
What a busy, but fabulous day we had yesterday at the Regional Phoenix Showstopper Dance competition. The highlight of the day for us was winning over-all awards in our age groups. Sean and Savannah won the overall award for recreational 8 & under (Average age) with their Mexican Polka “Norteno” performed with their Folklorico class. […]
Showstopper Dance Competition This Weekend
This weekend we will be journeying to Phoenix on our annual February trek for the Showstopper Regional Dance Competition. Once again, Suzanne and the kids will be competing in various dance categories. As usual, Mr Papa will be on the sidelines in the audience watching the performances. This year, Savannah will be competing in six […]
Busy Day For Suzanne
Today is a busy day for Suzanne. She has two singing performances scheduled for today. I am sure she will be thoroughly exhausted by the end of the day. The first performance is a concert at the Tucson Estates community center. This is a community in Tucson that a few times a year puts on […]
Some Landscaping For The House

I mentioned in a Tweet early this week that we were getting the house appraised today in order to refinance it. Interest rates have really dropped recently and its a really good opportunity to do so. Well, Suzanne has been hard at work getting the house ready for the appraiser to come by. One of […]
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