I stumbled upon a pretty neat site the other day. It’s called Wordsplosion. According to their site, “Wordsplosion brings you the best of the worst of the world of grammatical errors, punctuation gaffes, misspellings, typography etc. We call this family of textual catastrophes “wordsplosionsâ€. They have some pretty funny signs and other total misuse of […]
Interesting Web Site

August 21, 2008 by 4 Comments
First and foremost, I am not claiming what that image says. In fact, I had some trepidation about doing this post, but after the initial shock (and laugh) its a serious site. Recently, on the open source WordPress forum plugin that I help develop, we had a support request from a site called I Married […]
Internet Finally Fixed
April 13, 2007 by Leave a Comment
Today was a good day! Finally, my internet service appears to be back in solid operation. For the last couple of weeks, our internet connection has been dropping every five or ten minutes. It was only for 30 seconds to a minute, but it was very aggravating. I have been working with my provider, Sunncast, […]
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