We could not have been more happy with our Celebrity Silhouette cruise over Spring Break with the kids from March 17th to March 31st. I have so many detailed items about which to write that I plan to write a few separate articles over the coming days detailing some of the highlights and the few […]
Christmas 2012

Well Christmas 2012 was a great time family and fun. Savannah is now head chef around here with Steve demoted to carving station attendant. But that combination plus our foolproof rib roast recipe did not disappoint us on Christmas eve. Savannah cooked up a fantastic meal of Red Wine Risotto with peas, homemade brioche, and […]
Football and Cheer Come (Almost) to an End in 2012

This year we had the joy of watching Savannah cheer at the home JV football games, watch Sean play some awesome defensive line, (and occasional offensive line), and then got to see them both at the play off games. We were thrilled the the coach decided to bring all of the cheerleaders to support the […]
Following Our Passion With Our New Business

We are very excited to announce that we, Suzanne and Steve, have opened our own travel agency in the form of a CruiseOne franchise location in Sonoita, AZ serving customers in our local area, all of Southern Arizona, and nationwide. This is something that we had been thinking about for a while, but we finally […]
Introducing Sandy, Our New Labrador Puppy
After much convincing by our daughter, Mr. Papa agreed to get an adorable female yellow Lab named Sandy. A local family had the litter of 8 boys and 1 girl, and Mr. Papa said we could get one if the girl wasn’t already taken. We were the first to ask specifically for the girl so […]
Cienega Fire Sweeps Through Star View

The Cienega fire swept through Star View estates in Sonoita, prompting evacuations with no time to collect belongings. Luckily the most of the occupied lots in the neighborhood had been mowed at the end of rainy season last year, so the firefighters were able to protect all the houses. This was a very scary close […]
After a long year of preparation, Sean and Savannah received their confirmation in services at Our Lady of the Valley. The bishop gave a nice talk to all the young people who were present at the service. Brett served as Sean’s sponsor, and Anne served as the proxy sponsor for Savannah whose sponsor, a local […]
Savannah Places 11th at State National Geographic Bee

On Friday, April 1, 2011, our daughter Savannah placed 11th at the Arizona state level National Geographic Bee competition. She qualified for the bee by winning the school bee, then score high enough on the written test to qualify for the 100 or so positions at he state bee. At the state bee, the competitors […]
Showstoppers Anaheim 2010
We have put up our gallery from the Showstopper Dance competition in Anaheim in July. Savannah earned two Platinum Trophy’s and had a dance Class with Dancing With the Stars Dancer Lacy Schwimmer. Suzanne earned Three Platinum trophies in Song & Dance, Folkloric Solo, and Folkloric Trio. Sean even came in late Friday to save […]
Celebrity Equinox for 2010
We have booked our next cruise for 2010, the Celebrity Equinox 10 Day Ultimate Caribbean with stops in St. Thomas, St. Kitts, Barbados, Dominica, and St. Maarten. For us this cruise is much more about the ship and the relaxation that it has to offer, than the actual destinations. In some ports we may not […]
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