This weekend, we have uploaded images and created a Michigan Vacation Photo Gallery from our recent family reunion trip to Michigan. This was a wonderful vacation and I think the pictures show it. The beautiful sunset pictures over Lake Huron are not to be missed. We still need to get a few captions on some […]
Coming Soon – New Gallery Look
Well not all that soon to be quite honest. Its going to take a lot of work to convert over all my albums and photos to a new appearance, but work will start soon. If you have been wondering about the lack of activity here at Mr Papa’s World its because of all the work […]
Cinco de Mayo Performance Pictures Posted
We took lots of pictures at the Alma Dolores International Dance Center performance for the annual Cinco de Mayo festivities at the Veterans Park in Sierra Vista. I have edited and posted them. This is one of my favorite shows because of the relaxed atmosphere at the park and the colorful costumes. Visit the album […]
Destructo Dog Demolishes Door Frame

While we were enjoying the excitement and fun of Bandera, Texas, our dogsitter called us to let us know that our beloved Sue Ellen, the wonder mutt, had gone a little nuts while we were gone and managed to shred the door frame in our bathroom that served as her kennel. The dog sitter had […]
The Kids As Elves

You might remember my post about the our local community’s Christmas party. At that party, our kids were lucky enough to be Santa’s Helpers. The best part for them was riding in the fire truck. Anyways, I thought I would post a picture of them and the other kids dressed up as elves.
New Board Games
For Christmas this year, the kids received a whole bunch of new board games. As a family that plays a lot of board games, Christmas is always a chance for us to try out some new games. This year, the kids also got some of the old favorites redone. Amongst the new games they got […]
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