It sure has gotten busy around here lately. I sure wish I had some time to take a little bit of a vacation, but alas… Sean and Savannah are on spring break vacation this week. They don’t have any big plans except to have some friends over and go visit some friends. I am also […]
Spending Money Again
Yesterday was another expensive day. I recently received a bonus check for my efforts last year. We paid off some bills, pumped up the kids college funds and then decided to spend something on ourselves. Suzanne has been wanting an elliptical trainer of late and been doing a bunch of research. She says she wants […]
Technology Update
Today, my new internet service was installed and I couldn’t be happier. I said that a year ago when the old internet service was turned on, but things get better with time. After todays install, I am able to get a solid 1 – 1.5M download and 700k upload. The best part is that no […]
Christmas Gift

I finally figured out last night what I was getting for Christmas this year. I am difficult to buy for because I dont need much and I usually want some kind of gadget or toy. So, each Christmas, my Mother and my in-laws send me a check for Christmas to pick out something(s) that I […]
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