I had to break down this weekend and actually go shopping for clothes. Its not something I ever enjoy, but with an upcoming business trip, I needed a couple of suits to wear. Since our office is business casual, I really haven’t needed a suit at all, and can usually get by with just a […]
Rome – Transatlantic 2009 Day 13 – Funchal, Madeira
Yesterday, we had our last port of call on this cruise before beginning the journey across the Atlantic Ocean. Our port of call was in Funchal, Madeira (part of Portugal). We had visited Funchal on the transatlantic last year, so we had no tours lined up and instead planned to walk around town seeing some […]
Rome – Transatlantic 2009 Day 12 – Our First Day At Sea
Yesterday was our first day at sea – and a fabulous one it was. With four straight port days behind us, we were certainly looking forward to a nice relaxing day at sea. They tend to be our favorite days of a cruise. This was to be a precursor or the upcoming six days at […]
Rome – Transatlantic 2009 Day 11 – Cartagena, Spain
Yesterday, we made a port of call in Cartagena, Spain. It’s a relatively small coastal Spanish town that dates back to before the Romans. We were not really sure what there was to do in town. There were not many tours, so we had decided to just walk around town and take it in. As […]
Barcelona and Transatlantic Cruise 2008 – Day 18 – St Maarten

[image title=”img_5193″ size=”thumbnail” id=”2128″ align=”none” linkto=”viewer” ] Today was the last day of the cruise with a port of call in St Maarten in the Netherland Antilles. It was also my first visit to a Caribbean port of call as I have always cruised the Pacific Ocean prior. It was kind of a rude welcome […]
Sean’s Football Season Comes to a Close
Today was the last game of the season for Sean’s football team. It ended much the way it began, on a bad note. They lost again today by a score of 45 – 14 to Benson. It also closed out a winless season for the kids. The game today was never close as Benson raced […]
Christmas Shopping
I managed to finish up my Christmas shopping this year this weekend. It did take me about an hour on Friday and then another 2 hours on Saturday. That’s probably more shopping than I do in the course of the rest of the year. Of course, I took the easy way out and shopped online. […]
Expensive Day at the Store
I need to remember to never go shopping when I am tired. After ending the family reunion by getting everyone to the airport, we headed off to Sierra Vista to get a few things. The intention was for Sean to trade in some old Xbox games and get the new Lord of the Rings: Battle […]
Shopping Day
Today is designated as a shopping day for Suzanne. She is off to Tucson to do a bunch of shopping. She will probably get a bunch of stuff we dont really neeed, but it’s our little way of protesting the that other little protest going on today. I of course will be at work. We […]
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