Yesterday was the 4th sea day of the Atlantic crossing on this Celebrity Solstice transatlantic cruise. I hate to sound like a broken record, but the weather continues to just absolutely rock. Temperatures were in the upper 70’s with clear skies and continued very calm seas. After an early breakfast, I headed up to the […]
Rome – Transatlantic 2009 Day 15 – Atlantic Crossing Day 2
Yesterday was the 2nd day of our crossing. The weather has continued to hold nicely with at most 6 foot swells. We did run through a couple of rain showers, but the Captain explained those as necessary because of budget cuts and he need to clean the outside of the ship. It’s really nice to […]
Rome – Transatlantic 2009 Day 14 – Atlantic Crossing Day 1
Yesterday was our first day at sea as part of our transatlantic crossing. It felt very nice to be able to relax and not have to go ashore in a port. Unfortunately, a head cold and cough had taken a hold of me. I really didn’t feel like doing much of anything so a day […]
Rome – Transatlantic 2009 Day 11 – Cartagena, Spain
Yesterday, we made a port of call in Cartagena, Spain. It’s a relatively small coastal Spanish town that dates back to before the Romans. We were not really sure what there was to do in town. There were not many tours, so we had decided to just walk around town and take it in. As […]
Rome – Transatlantic 2009 Day 6 – Last Full Day In Rome
Yesterday was our last full day in Rome on this wonderful vacation. This morning we will be boarding the Celebrity Solstice for our Transatlantic cruise back to the US. We decided to scale back our ambitious site seeing yesterday and take in a few of the larger piazzas. We got a slow start on the […]
Back From Trip
If you follow me on twitter, then you know I was recently on a business trip to the Cleveland area. Most of my trips are pretty uneventful, which is good. This one was a bit different though all ended well. The trip started fine, except for the 6:00 am departure on Thursday. No problems with […]
Summer’s Here, but Where’s the Heat?
Summer is approaching fast and will be here in a couple of days. Normally at this time of the year, we are just starting to reach our limit of not having the air conditioning on in Arizona. This year, we haven’t even thought of it yet. Most of Arizona has had their air conditioners on […]
Barcelona and Transatlantic Cruise 2008 – Day 18 – St Maarten

[image title=”img_5193″ size=”thumbnail” id=”2128″ align=”none” linkto=”viewer” ] Today was the last day of the cruise with a port of call in St Maarten in the Netherland Antilles. It was also my first visit to a Caribbean port of call as I have always cruised the Pacific Ocean prior. It was kind of a rude welcome […]
Barcelona and Transatlantic Cruise 2008 – Day 14 – Atlantic Crossing

[image title=”img_4851″ size=”thumbnail” id=”2105″ align=”none” linkto=”viewer” ] Today was second sea day as part of the Atlantic. The weather remained nice being warm and mostly sunny. In the afternoon, we could see a storm ahead of us and on both sides, but we were still in the sun. The Captain pulled up close to the […]
Barcelona and Transatlantic Cruise 2008 – Day 12 – Las Palmas, Canary Islands

[image title=”img_4702″ size=”thumbnail” id=”2095″ align=”none” linkto=”viewer” ] Today we had another port of call in the Canary Islands. Today’s stop was the island of Las Palmas. The Canary Islands are part of Spain. This would be our last port of call before making the Atlantic crossing. We had already decided to pretty much just stay […]
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