There’s been a lot of press lately about this financial bail out. I am not sure how they come up with some of these names for things. What it really amounts to is an attempt to fix our silly socialized mortgage system. Fannie Mae and Fannie Mac were bad ideas to begin with and now […]
Archives for September 2008
Another Lopsided Defeat
Today is Saturday, which meant another football game for Sean. Unfortunately, it also meant another lopsided defeat. Today, we played the kids from Benson and were soundly beat by a score of 47 – 6. I use the word kids loosely because we must be feeding our kids wrong in Sonoita and Huachucha City. These […]
Unwanted Guests

[image title=”Bees In Arch” size=”thumbnail” id=”2023″ align=”none” alt=”Bees In Arch” linkto=”viewer” ] We awoke on Sunday morning to some unwanted guests at our front door. No, they weren’t more illegal aliens, but instead were a swarm of Africanized Bees. Seems that overnight a swarm of the hostile bees had decided to stake out a claim […]
Long Season Continues
Sean’s season, which is building up to a very long season continued yesterday with another loss. They were defeated again yesterday by a score of 9 – 0, though the scored really wasn’t that close as we never threatened to score. The game was an away game for us in Douglas, AZ. That meant about […]
I stumbled upon a pretty neat site the other day. It’s called Wordsplosion. According to their site, “Wordsplosion brings you the best of the worst of the world of grammatical errors, punctuation gaffes, misspellings, typography etc. We call this family of textual catastrophes “wordsplosionsâ€. They have some pretty funny signs and other total misuse of […]
Photos From Grandma’s 90th Birthday Uploaded
[image title=”img_3697_edited-2″ size=”thumbnail” id=”2011″ align=”none” linkto=”” ] This weekend, we uploaded some photos from my Grandmother’s 90th Birthday festivities from a couple of weeks ago. These are a sampling of the many images that we took from this memorable weekend. We still need to get some captions on the images, maybe even today. You will […]
One Long Saturday Afternoon of Football
Ouch! Today was one long afternoon of youth football. Sean had another football game this afternoon. Luckily, the weather held out and it was only about 90 degrees. Unfortunately, the other team showed up and we got slaughtered by a score of 42 – 0. It might have been worse as its possible I lost […]
Sean’s Team Loses Opener
Sean’s football team started their season this weekend. Unfortunately, they didn’t start it out on the right foot. They lost a close game by a score of 14 – 12, losing by missing their two extra points, while the other team made both of them. The game was actually pretty sloppy and ugly, which is […]
Football Season is Here
Oh yeah! It’s that time of the year again. Football Season! Along with the cooling of temperatures here in Arizona and our annual fall/winter cruise approaching, this is an awesome time of the year! College football is already under way. The NFL starts tonight. And, Sean’s football season begins this weekend. I am actually holding […]
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