Yesterday was the 4th sea day of the Atlantic crossing on this Celebrity Solstice transatlantic cruise. I hate to sound like a broken record, but the weather continues to just absolutely rock. Temperatures were in the upper 70’s with clear skies and continued very calm seas. After an early breakfast, I headed up to the […]
Rome – Transatlantic 2009 Day 15 – Atlantic Crossing Day 2
Yesterday was the 2nd day of our crossing. The weather has continued to hold nicely with at most 6 foot swells. We did run through a couple of rain showers, but the Captain explained those as necessary because of budget cuts and he need to clean the outside of the ship. It’s really nice to […]
Rome – Transatlantic 2009 Day 13 – Funchal, Madeira
Yesterday, we had our last port of call on this cruise before beginning the journey across the Atlantic Ocean. Our port of call was in Funchal, Madeira (part of Portugal). We had visited Funchal on the transatlantic last year, so we had no tours lined up and instead planned to walk around town seeing some […]
Rome – Transatlantic 2009 Day 8 – Livorno, Italy
Yesterday was our first full day onboard the Celebrity Solstice, which is turning out to be a fabulous ship. In the morning, we were due to dock at Livorno, Italy. Most folks would be touring Florence or Pisa, Italy. We had arranged a tour through the cruise line to take a bus to Pisa and […]
Barcelona and Transatlantic Cruise 2008 – Day 17 – Atlantic Crossing

[image title=”img_5157″ size=”thumbnail” id=”2122″ align=”none” linkto=”viewer” ] Today was our fifth and final straight sea day as part of the Atlantic crossing. The seas have continued to remain very calm with swells of only 3 feet. The weather warms up every day as we approach the Caribbean. Temperatures are in the low 80’s with some […]
Barcelona and Transatlantic Cruise 2008 – Day 8 – Day at Sea

[image title=”029″ size=”thumbnail” id=”2073″ align=”none” linkto=”viewer” ] Today we enjoyed another day at sea after having visited Malagal, Spain yesterday. During the night, the seas picked up a bit. At the noon time update, the Captain reported that we would be experiencing a sea state with about 10 – 12 foot swells. The ship did […]
Barcelona and Transatlantic Cruise 2008 – Day 7 – Malaga, Spain

[image title=”img_4194″ size=”thumbnail” id=”2067″ align=”none” linkto=”viewer” ] Today was our first port of call on our 2008 transatlantic cruise. The port was Malaga, Spain, the birthplace of famed painter Picasso. The ship docked about 7:00 am, but due to our late bedtime the night before, we didn’t rise from our slumber until about 11:00 am. […]
Savannah’s Birthday Party
Savannah’s Birthday was this past Wednesday. Tomorrow, we will have a big Birthday bash for her. We usually have fairly big Birthday parties for each of the kids every other year. On the off years, we usually have a more reserved family party or go out for a nice dinner. This year, Savannah wanted a […]
Thanksgiving Activities
Whew, its been a busy couple of weeks here at Mr Papa’s World. Sorry for the lack of recent posts, but luckily I have been able to get a few quick thoughts. If you hadn’t noticed, I post a my quick thoughts at the top of the light blue sidebar here at Mr Papa’s World. […]
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