Okay, time for one of these posts again as its been a while since I have posted. The New Year has kept me hopping both at work and at home. On the home front, over the holidays and to a lesser extent afterwards, we have had renewed energy on family game night. During the holidays, […]
Happy Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers out there! Mr Papa has enjoyed his Fathers Day holiday. Too bad I have to go to work tomorrow. I always wish there was another day off after these Sunday holidays. Today was a nice relaxing day for me. I had a nice workout this morning and then […]
Happy Mothers Day
Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there. And, a special wish for a great day to my Mom! I can’t wait until the family reunion next month. I haven’t really ever wondered how Mothers Day got started before, but for some reason today I googled it and found some interesting history tidbits over […]
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to everyone! Its bright and early this Christmas morning. Soon the kids will be awake and it will be time to open the presents. Frankly, I am surprised they slept in this late, but they have never really risen all that early on Christmas morning. They certainly are better sleepers than I was […]
Christmas Menu
Time to disclose what the Klasens will be having to eat this Christmas holiday season. I have to admit, that I am not planning on spending as much time cooking over the next few days as I have in past seasons. We are all quite in the holiday spirit, but have decided to spend more […]
Community Christmas Party
Tonight was the local Sonoita community Christmas Party. Every year the chamber of commerce puts this fun activity on for our rural community. There’s lots of cowboy gear as the local ranchers come out for a fun night. The evening starts with a couple hours of adults only “quiet” time before the kids show up […]
Thanksgiving Activities
Whew, its been a busy couple of weeks here at Mr Papa’s World. Sorry for the lack of recent posts, but luckily I have been able to get a few quick thoughts. If you hadn’t noticed, I post a my quick thoughts at the top of the light blue sidebar here at Mr Papa’s World. […]
Thanksgiving Day Menu
Thanksgiving is only a few days away. Soon, the kitchen shall be bustling as I prepare a wonderful day of food. Suzanne’s parents will be here for Thanksgiving this year, so I have to show out a bit. Below are my creations for this Thanksgiving Day celebration. For Lunch, while watching the Lions (come on […]
Thanksgiving Visitors
It feels really odd for us to have Thanksgiving approaching and for us to not be prepping for a cruise. Over the last four Thanksgiving holidays, we have been on a cruise for three of them, including the last two. It has almost become a tradition for our family. Since we did an Alaska cruise […]
Football Weekend Again
If its fall in Arizona, then it must be a football weekend. Luckily, Sean’s team has a home game this week, so we get to take it easy on the travel side. It will be interesting to see how the team plays this week after their first victory last weekend. Sean says they haven’t played […]
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