Yesterday, we made a port of call in Cartagena, Spain. It’s a relatively small coastal Spanish town that dates back to before the Romans. We were not really sure what there was to do in town. There were not many tours, so we had decided to just walk around town and take it in. As […]
Barcelona and Transatlantic Cruise 2008 – Day 6 – Day at Sea

[image title=”img_4157″ size=”thumbnail” id=”2061″ align=”none” linkto=”viewer” ] Today was a day at sea as the Celebrity Summit begin its journey toward San Juan, Puerto Rico. Days at see tend to be our favorite parts of the cruise which is one of the reasons why we chose a transatlantic cruise for this years vacation. The day […]
Family Karoake Night
This is a few days late, but work hours have been poor the last couple of weeks trying to get out a project. This weekend, we had another session of family karoake night. It’s not one of my favorites as I don’t sing, but the kids and Suzanne love it. Actually, they call it Papa’s […]
Radio Reception in the Mercedes
My Mercedes Benz continues to be an excellent purchase. However, all is not perfect. The radio reception in the Mercedes tends to be very poor when I get near the Sonoita area. Now, I am a good distance from the nearest town and thus radio tower, but every previous car (4) I have owned while […]
IRiver MP3 Player
Finally figured out how to get my new mp3 player working. It’s been a frustrating week or so. I initially thought it was a problem with my damn satellite connection cause I was getting other proxy errors in Rhapsody. I thought it might be interfering with the DRMA junk. I tried waiting for the new […]
New MP3 Player
I finally received the new MP3 player on Tuesday. If you remember, I ordered the IRiver H10. It is a really nice player and works like a champ. Unfortunately, my Rhapsody to Go is not functioning correctly. I have used Rhapsody for quite a while to listen to music at work. Due to security constraints […]
Finally Taken the MP3 Plunge
I consider myself a techno geek. I like to have all the new toys and am an early adopter for electronics. However, until yesterday, I had not acquired an MP3 player. I never really could explain why I didnt have one, but I just didnt. I have been a user of Rhapsody as a music […]
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