Yesterday we continued our wonderful, albeit tiring experience in Rome. The previous day we logged nearly 7 miles walking and touring in the city. Yesterday we logged about another 6 miles. We are certainly getting our exercise. I guess it makes us feel less guilty about the awesome food we are eating. Suzanne and I […]
My Poor Blog
Oh my poor little blog. How I have neglected it lately! It’s not really by choice, but things have become hectic around here. It probably sounds old, but with work and the kids now doing something damn near every night, time for Mr Papa’s World has been limited. I have managed to do little “Quick […]
My Birthday
Well, tomorrow is my birthday. Turning the big 45. I probably shouldn’t mention it, but hey, you are only as old as you think you are. Luckily, tomorrow is one of our off Fridays at work, so I get to stay home, relax and spend some quality time on the computer. Okay, so I am […]
Happy Birthday Savannah!

Well, technically it was yesterday, but today being Saturday, we are doing most of the celebration activities today. More on that later… Yesterday the kids had a half day of school and their 1st Semester awards program. Both kids received honor roll once again with Sean earning a 4.96 grade point and Savannah earning a […]
Smoking and Super Heroes
Yesterday I put my new Christmas present, a smoker to the test. We also decided to have a Super Hero movie marathon to watch three relatively new movies that we hadn’t yet seen. I spent a fair amount of time yesterday getting the meats ready to smoke. I had decided to smoke a top loin […]
Christmas Fun
Well, another Christmas has come and gone, though it joyfully continues to linger in the household. Mr Papa’s World celebrated another great Christmas. It started a bit more than a week ago when Suzanne’s parents came to town for a visit. They timed the visit so they could be home for Christmas, but more importantly […]
Barcelona and Transatlantic Cruise 2008 – Day 6 – Day at Sea

[image title=”img_4157″ size=”thumbnail” id=”2061″ align=”none” linkto=”viewer” ] Today was a day at sea as the Celebrity Summit begin its journey toward San Juan, Puerto Rico. Days at see tend to be our favorite parts of the cruise which is one of the reasons why we chose a transatlantic cruise for this years vacation. The day […]
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to everyone! Its bright and early this Christmas morning. Soon the kids will be awake and it will be time to open the presents. Frankly, I am surprised they slept in this late, but they have never really risen all that early on Christmas morning. They certainly are better sleepers than I was […]
Christmas Menu
Time to disclose what the Klasens will be having to eat this Christmas holiday season. I have to admit, that I am not planning on spending as much time cooking over the next few days as I have in past seasons. We are all quite in the holiday spirit, but have decided to spend more […]
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