Today, I have uploaded photos from the last two days of our recent Transatlantic cruise from Rome, Italy to Fort Lauderdal, Fl on board the Celebrity Solstice. This means that all of our photos from this fantastic vacation in Rome, followed by another terrific cruise have been uploaded. I hope you enjoy the pictures! See […]
All Rome and Celebrity Solstice Transatlantic Cruise Photos Now Uploaded
Next Batch of Photot From Rome / Transatlantic Cruise Uploaded
Today, I have uploaded photos from the next six days of our recent Transatlantic cruise from Rome, Italy to Fort Lauderdal, Fl on board the Celebrity Solstice. This was a fantastic cruise and I hope it shows in the pictures. We still one more batch of photos from the last two days to prep, but […]
Photos From First Five Days of the Transatlantic Cruise Uploaded
Okay, Suzanne has finished her work on the photos from the first five days of our recent Transatlantic cruise from Rome, Italy to Fort Lauderdal, Fl on board the Celebrity Solstice. This was a fantastic cruise and I hope it shows in the pictures. She still has another 8 or 9 days of photos to […]
Another New Look
If its Fall again, it must be time to update the look of Mr Papa’s World. Upon arriving at the site now, you will obviously notice a big difference from the previous look. I have tried to update the site theme based upon my more recent usage of the site. Instead of the light colors, […]
Photos From Grandma’s 90th Birthday Uploaded
[image title=”img_3697_edited-2″ size=”thumbnail” id=”2011″ align=”none” linkto=”” ] This weekend, we uploaded some photos from my Grandmother’s 90th Birthday festivities from a couple of weeks ago. These are a sampling of the many images that we took from this memorable weekend. We still need to get some captions on the images, maybe even today. You will […]
2008 Showstopper National Dance Finals Photos Uploaded
Today, Suzanne and I have uploaded some photos from the 2008 Showstopper National Dance Finals Competition held this past week in Anaheim, CA. Suzanne and the kids did quite well in the competition and brought home a mess load of trophies and medals. I hope you enjoy the photos!
The Greenery of Sonoita

Here in Sonoita, AZ we are in full swing Monsoon season. The afternoon and evening Thunderstorms have been quite spectacular. The rainfall has been heavy. At times, you cant see 50 feet away from you its raining so hard. The Monsoon season is nice because it also tends to cool down our 100+ degree temperatures […]
Michigan Vacation Pictures Uploaded
This weekend, we have uploaded images and created a Michigan Vacation Photo Gallery from our recent family reunion trip to Michigan. This was a wonderful vacation and I think the pictures show it. The beautiful sunset pictures over Lake Huron are not to be missed. We still need to get a few captions on some […]
New Photo Gallery Operational
As previously detailed in this post, Mr Papa’s World is happy and proud to unveil our new photo gallery system on this website. That post details the why of the new gallery, so I won’t rehash it. We still have some work to do on the new gallery, primarily adding captions to the photos, but […]
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