Football Weekend Again

If its fall in Arizona, then it must be a football weekend. Luckily, Sean’s team has a home game this week, so we get to take it easy on the travel side. It will be interesting to see how the team plays this week after their first victory last weekend. Sean says they haven’t played […]

Quick Update

Just a quick update… I wish I could say it was because I have been playing Halo 3, but sadly, this is not true. In fact, after my brief post on the Halo 3 coop mode action with Sean, I have only played maybe an hour of Halo 3. About half that was in single […]

Halo 3 Released Today

Today is the long awaited release date of Halo 3 for the Xbox 360. Sean and I have been waiting for this game for some time now. We have spent many, many hours playing Halo 1 and Halo 2 on both the Xbox and Xbox 360. They are good enough that we keep going back […]

World of Warcraft Guild

My fun with World of Warcraft continues. I have gotten my main character up to a level 17 Shadow Priest. It’s a long ways to the top at level 70, but I am working my way there. I mentioned in an earlier post that I was working on a new website. The new site is […]

World of Warcraft

Lately, I haven’t played much America’s Army (AA). In fact, I think I have played twice in the last six months. Most of this was due to internet issues with my provider. He panicked one day when he had some port scans going on and closed everything down. 🙄 Ports required to be open for […]

Sean’s Birthday

Technically, Sean’s birthday is Tuesday, but we kind of had our family deal this weekend. Next weekend, we will take him and a few of his friends out to lunch and bowling. For dinner, he wanted some spicy food, so I made him some Jambalaya. I don’t think he had ever had it before, but […]