[image title=”img_4157″ size=”thumbnail” id=”2061″ align=”none” linkto=”viewer” ] Today was a day at sea as the Celebrity Summit begin its journey toward San Juan, Puerto Rico. Days at see tend to be our favorite parts of the cruise which is one of the reasons why we chose a transatlantic cruise for this years vacation. The day […]
A Bad Day For Sue Ellen
Yesterday, was not a good day for our dog Sue Ellen. And hence, it wasn;t the best of days for us either. Sue Ellen is a pretty good dog who pretty much stays out of trouble. I think mostly because she is pretty stupid. But, she is great with the kids and doesn’t cause many […]
Another NutriSystem Update
Well, another week down on NutriSystem. I think that makes eight. I know another shipment has arrived so my cupboard is once again stocked. Though, once again, some of my items could not be filled so they substituted something completely unrelated. In fact, they substitute stuff I dont normally order which baffles me. There is […]
Treadmill Back Operational

Okay, the treadmill is back operation, though I am not sure for how long. Hopefully, for a long time to come. Suzanne finally had the proper amps, lubrication kit and new fan delivered yesterday. She was ambitious and did all the necessary work and tested it out. It seemed to be working fine. The proof, […]
Treadmill Woes Continue
So much for the treadmill woes being solved. I hopped on it again yesterday for a workout. About 5 minutes into the program, barely enough time to break a sweat, the treadmill once again seized up and stopped. I suspected another blown fuse which would not bode well for the treadmill. Continual blowing of a […]
Weekend Musings and NutriSystem Update
Wow! What a busy weekend. It was even a three day weekend for me as it was my Friday off week. Some of the activities though were self-inflicted. I put myself in a hole sleepwise early as I stayed up until 3:30 AM on Thursday night playing America’ Army. That game can be quite addictive […]
Treadmill Update
A quick update on the treadmill… If yall followed the comments on the original post, my friend Paul suggested checking a fuse. I was skeptical, but checked the fuse I could see and it was working, as were the electronics. Suzanne, got out there this morning and tore apart the machine to get at another […]
Treadmill Dies
Well, as usual, timing seems to be perfect. I was about 30 minutes into a treadmill routine last night when the treadmill decided to die on me. I was walking along at about a 4.0 mph clip when it suddenly stopped. Of course, I didnt stop that fast and promptly walked into the front end. […]
NutriSystem Update – Loss Continues
If it’s Monday, it must be time for another update on my efforts to lose some weight with the NutriSystem dieting program. I am happy to announce that another 2 pounds were lost last week. That brings my total loss for the program up to 18 pounds. Thus far, the NutriSystem diet continues to work […]
NutriSystem Quick Update
I just noticed that I hadnt posted an update about my NutriSystem results for last week so I thought I would quickly put something up. Last week was a bad news – good news story. The bad news: Last week broke my string of consecutive weight loss weeks. The good news: I didnt gain any […]
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