Cruise Talk Central Gets Face Lift

Wow, didnt know it had been two days since I posted 🙂 I guess time flies when you are having fun. I have been tied up with changing/improving the way Cruise Talk Central looks. I have a bunch of things I want to do and the current layout was cramping my style and taking things […]

New Website in Development

I guess I shouldnt have been so quick to talk about my “free time” and looking for some projects to work on. Suzanne got wind of it and decided that I should spend that energy on developing a new website for her. Sounds like a win – win situation to me. For a while now, […]

Website Development Work

I havent had much time to really do a post lately. I have been very busy on some of my website and php projects. Everyone thinks its strange that a 42 year old Senior Manager comes home from work and codes until he is ready to fall asleep, which is usually pretty late. I probably […]

New Features on Website

I have a couple of new features to the website and I think I would give a quick run down of what they were: I have added a new Pages sidebar item with links to some pages of interest outside the wordpress date hierarchy. I recently started using tags on my posts – you may […]

Finally Adding Tags

I have finally given and am gonna start tagging my blog posts. It’s not so much that I have resisted doing the tagging thing, its just that I didnt really understand the benefit of doing it versus categories. I had specifically chosen a small number of categories for filing my posts under. I also didnt […]

Website Update Complete

Okay, I think the website update is complete. You should be seeing a brand new look to Mr Papa’s World. I may still be tweaking it a bit now and then. Hopefully, everyone will find it a bit more appealing and functional. Please let me know what you think about the redesign.

Website Update Under Way

Tonight, I have begun the process of updating the look and feel of Mr Papa’s World. Hopefully, you will think the appearance and functionality are improved. The update should generally not be noticeable to users. If you experience an issue, please try again a bit later. I will post back when the update is complete.

Mr Papa’s World Site Work

I had hoped to release Mr Papa’s World with a new and improved theme this past weekend, but never got it done. Mainly, it was because I have been dissatisfied with my theming work to date. I wont release another theme until I am happy. I have gone back to the drawing board twice and […]

Website Update

I have added an archives page to the site to make it easier to get all of most past posts. You can get at it via the navbar near the tab. In addition, I have been playing with the theme and may switch to that new one soon.

Website Update

I think the major construction on the website is complete. I doubt I ever will be done tweaking it, but it appears to be pretty stable right now. The main driver in the website is WordPress. The photo gallery capability is provided by Menalto Gallery. The genealogy application is provided by PHPGedView. The theme/appearance of […]