Suzanne “Putting on a Show” to raise money for church building foundation

This weekend, Suzanne has put together a fund raising variety show for our parish building foundation. Our Lady of the Angels Catholic Mission church received a donation of land a few years ago, and since that time our parish has put together various fund raisers to support our future building efforts. Tomorrow, Suzanne will be […]

Where’s Mr Papa?

Okay, time for one of these posts again as its been a while since I have posted. The New Year has kept me hopping both at work and at home. On the home front, over the holidays and to a lesser extent afterwards, we have had renewed energy on family game night. During the holidays, […]

I Finally See One of Sean’s Basketball Games

I finally had an opportunity to see on of Sean’s basketball games yesterday. All of his games start at 3:30 in the afternoon which means leaving work about 2:30 just to get to the close games. Most would require me to leave even earlier. The middle school games are supposed to be organized into A, […]

Sean Changes Baseball Teams

Sean has decided to change baseball teams this upcoming season. He is right on the age limit between what the baseball league terms minor and majors. He could play minors again this season, but it would be with a bunch of younger kids. So, he wants to play majors. Unfortunately, our small little, rural community […]

The Kids As Elves

You might remember my post about the our local community’s Christmas party. At that party, our kids were lucky enough to be Santa’s Helpers. The best part for them was riding in the fire truck. Anyways, I thought I would post a picture of them and the other kids dressed up as elves.

Sonoita Web Launches

After some holiday fine tuning, I am finally ready to launch my new community web site, Sonoita Web.  This site was developed as a community website for my rural community of Sonoita, AZ. Whether or not anyone in Sonoita actually uses it, is to be seen.  However, already today, there have been a bunch of […]