Today, we formally began our Alaskan Cruise 2007 onboard the Celebrity Mercury. We arose early in the morning in our Vancouver hotel and met my Mother, my Aunt and my sister and her husband for breakfast. It wasn’t anything special – the food that is. The company was wonderful. After a brief snafu of getting […]
Archives for June 2007
Alaska Cruise – Travel to Vancouver
We are off on our Alaska Cruise on the Celebrity Mercury. Well, actually, we are on our way to Vancouver for a Friday departure on the Mercury. As usual, the air travel day did not go well or as planned. Luckily, there were no major incidents. Just the usual airlines inability to make schedules. We […]
Sean Named MVP On Baseball Team
Sean’s baseball team ended their season last night with a 15 – 0 victory. With that win, they completed their undefeated season. Their smallest margin of victory was 5 runs. In addition, after the game, Sean was named the team Most Valuable Player. That really excited him because he worked really hard this year on […]
My Daily Alaskan Cruise Blog Coming to Mr Papa’s World
Thursday we leave on a flight to Vancouver to begin our long awaited Alaskan cruise adventure onboard the Celebrity Mercury. The ship doesn’t actually depart Vancouver until Friday, but we get into Vancouver pretty late and won’t have time to enjoy the city. In fact, we are just staying at an airport hotel with plans […]
Summer Dance Recital – Night 2

Whew… The Summer Dance Recital is over. It was two long nights of dancing. That said, it was still very enjoyable – it just didn’t leave much time for anything else this weekend. The big night for the kids was the Friday night dance performances as they had many more dances than last night. Savannah […]
Summer Dance Recital
Last night was the first night of Suzanne’s and the kids’ summer dance recital. The show was about 2 1/2 hours but quite enjoyable. Savannah did something like 11 dances last night. She was a busy girl changing costumes all night. She performed dances from genres such as lyrical, jazz, hip hop, Mexican folklorico and […]
The Modern Media Reports on the WWII Normandy Invasion
Here at Mr Papa’s World, I don’t normally delve into the World of politics, but on the rare occasions that I have, it’s quite obvious that I am a Conservative. While reading a bunch of the blogs I normally review on a daily basis, I came across the following video. The Combat Report spent some […]
Working Out
I have been doing pretty good lately at my workouts. I have been hitting the elliptical trainer pretty hard. I am using it about 5 days a week for 30 minutes. Each workout burns between 300 and 400 calories, so I am pretty pleased with my efforts. I have been doing this regime for a […]
Trying out Twitter and Family Update
One of the recent rages on the net lately has been Twitter. Thus far, I have been able to resist getting into it, but last night, I took the plunge and signed up. My tweets are now available here at Mr Papa’s World in the right sidebar or on My Twitter Page. Feel free to […]
Finally, Cloudcroft Trip Picutres Available
If you remember, last December, we took a trip to Cloudcroft, NM for five days to spend some time with Suzanne’s family in a mountain cabin. It was a nice, fun family reunion between Christmas and New Years. It’s only six months later, but finally, we have uploaded our many photos from that trip. It […]
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