Just found out today that there is a series of birthday parties planned for my Grandmother who turns 90 this August. Sounds like a great idea to celebrate this wonderful event. Now I just need to figure out how to work out the details of getting there since she lives on the opposite side of […]
Archives for April 2008
Detroit Lions Have Pretty Good Draft With Nice Upside
This past weekend was the NFL Draft. Its the time of year where faithful fans anxiously await to see who their team is going to select to better their chances in the upcoming season. This weekend was no different for me. I believe the Detroit Lions had a pretty good draft. They might have reached […]
No Country For Old Men
Holy Cow, what a bad movie that was. We should have known better being that No Country For Old Men won Best Picture, but still, we gave it a shot because of the long list of stars in the movie. Suzanne has been saying that “her 10 year kid could have written a better ending […]
Sean’s Baseball Season In Full Swing
If its Spring time and we seem busy than usual, it must be baseball season. And it is in full swing. Sean wanted to play with some older and more capable kids this year so he is now playing in a neighboring city instead of Sonoita. When I say neighboring, keep in mind we live […]
Sleep Number Beds
A while back I mentioned that we were going to be purchasing a new Select Comfort Sleep Number Bed. Our previous mattress had served us well, but was 14 years old. Suzanne and I believed that we also preferred different style mattresses. The Sleep Number Bed seemed like a perfect fit. About four weeks ago, […]
My American Airlines Fun
Last week, I had to take a business trip to Dayton, OH. As usual, we were flying on American Airlines. Our flight left Tucson about 15 minutes prior to American grounding their entire fleet of MD-80s. We were informed of this action upon our arrival in Chicago O’Hare airport. There was a lot of groans […]
Destructo Dog Demolishes Door Frame

While we were enjoying the excitement and fun of Bandera, Texas, our dogsitter called us to let us know that our beloved Sue Ellen, the wonder mutt, had gone a little nuts while we were gone and managed to shred the door frame in our bathroom that served as her kennel. The dog sitter had […]
Bandera, TX – Part IV Water Park and Board Games
Finally, on Wednesday of our trip, we had a warm enough day to utilize the water park. They opened up the water park for a few weeks in November and then opened it again this spring. The park features a children’s splash area with bubbly fountains, slides and a huge bucket that fills and dumps […]
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