This year for Father’s Day, we got Steve all kinds of equipment so that he could do some gourmet backyard cooking. Steve loves to cook, and we have such wonderful weather here year round, cooking out doors can be a fun activity for him to enjoy with the kids. To give you a little back […]
My Birthday
Well, tomorrow is my birthday. Turning the big 45. I probably shouldn’t mention it, but hey, you are only as old as you think you are. Luckily, tomorrow is one of our off Fridays at work, so I get to stay home, relax and spend some quality time on the computer. Okay, so I am […]
Birthday Fun
As I mentioned this weekend, it was Savannah’s Birthday and we headed into town for fun and dinner. First stop was the mall as Savannah wanted to walk around and shop with some money she had received for her birthday. It was kind of convenient too since the movie theater was right there. She ended […]
Happy Birthday Savannah!

Well, technically it was yesterday, but today being Saturday, we are doing most of the celebration activities today. More on that later… Yesterday the kids had a half day of school and their 1st Semester awards program. Both kids received honor roll once again with Sean earning a 4.96 grade point and Savannah earning a […]
Where’s Mr Papa?
Okay, time for one of these posts again as its been a while since I have posted. The New Year has kept me hopping both at work and at home. On the home front, over the holidays and to a lesser extent afterwards, we have had renewed energy on family game night. During the holidays, […]
Smoking and Super Heroes
Yesterday I put my new Christmas present, a smoker to the test. We also decided to have a Super Hero movie marathon to watch three relatively new movies that we hadn’t yet seen. I spent a fair amount of time yesterday getting the meats ready to smoke. I had decided to smoke a top loin […]
Christmas Fun
Well, another Christmas has come and gone, though it joyfully continues to linger in the household. Mr Papa’s World celebrated another great Christmas. It started a bit more than a week ago when Suzanne’s parents came to town for a visit. They timed the visit so they could be home for Christmas, but more importantly […]
Barcelona and Transatlantic Cruise 2008 – Day 20 – Flight Home
Today, the vacation really came to an end as we flew home from San Juan, Puerto Rico ending a wonderful cruise and overall vacation. We had a lot of great family fun on this trip and had many chances to increase our bond as a family. Cruising has been really wonderful for us. Of course, […]
Barcelona and Transatlantic Cruise 2008 – Day 17 – Atlantic Crossing

[image title=”img_5157″ size=”thumbnail” id=”2122″ align=”none” linkto=”viewer” ] Today was our fifth and final straight sea day as part of the Atlantic crossing. The seas have continued to remain very calm with swells of only 3 feet. The weather warms up every day as we approach the Caribbean. Temperatures are in the low 80’s with some […]
Barcelona and Transatlantic Cruise 2008 – Day 16 – Atlantic Crossing

[image title=”img_5017″ size=”thumbnail” id=”2117″ align=”none” linkto=”viewer” ] Today was our fourth straight sea day as part of the Atlantic crossing. We have continued to be blessed by great weather and seas for the crossing. The seas have continued to remain very calm with swells of only 3 feet. The weather warms up every day as […]
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