I finally got around to snapping some pictures of Suzanne’s new Volvo XC-90 SUV. She got this car at the same time as I got my Mercedes Benz E-350. You can see the images in the photo gallery.
Archives for June 2006
Your Xbox Has It’s Own Blog
I am a little late to this game, but I recently signed up for Xbox Voice 360 site. The premise of the site is that your Xbox 360 has a voice and does its own daily blog of you activities. It “posts” in blog fashion on the games you have been playing and the progress […]
Mini Getaway Today
I have a half day offsite team building session tomorrow with customers. Tonight, there is a dinner social with all of the participants. Of course, the event location is way on the other side of town. Even if it was on “this” side of town, it would be a long ways from home in Sonoita. […]
Radio Reception in the Mercedes
My Mercedes Benz continues to be an excellent purchase. However, all is not perfect. The radio reception in the Mercedes tends to be very poor when I get near the Sonoita area. Now, I am a good distance from the nearest town and thus radio tower, but every previous car (4) I have owned while […]
Monsoon Approaches
Monsoon is definitely approaching here in Sonoita, AZ. Yesterday, the tell tale ominiously dark clouds began surrounding us as the afternoon fell away. There were some wonderful displays of lightning as dusk fell. I need to take some pictures and post a few of those storms moving in because it is quite fascinating to watch. […]
Finally Adding Tags
I have finally given and am gonna start tagging my blog posts. It’s not so much that I have resisted doing the tagging thing, its just that I didnt really understand the benefit of doing it versus categories. I had specifically chosen a small number of categories for filing my posts under. I also didnt […]
Lazy Sunday
Today is just another lazy Sunday – I love it! Unfortunately, I did it again last night and stayed up until 2:00 am playing America’s Army. The game is just plain addictive and has cost me countless hours of lost sleep. And I suspect more in the future. Spending some time on the computer today […]
Late Night with Sean
Wow, good morning. Unfortunately, it came too soon. I think I need a summer vacation like the kids get from school. Sean is very much like me and loves to stay up late. With no school and it being a weekend, he wanted to stay up late gaming last night. I definitely am not as […]
Why Gas is So Expensive

I think I have figured out why gas is so expensive these days! Check out the images below from an engineering masterpiece in the Middle Eastern country of Dubai. Here it is during the construction phase: Here is the completed construction effort. Did you notice the palm trees? By the way, remember Dubai is in […]
Website Update Complete
Okay, I think the website update is complete. You should be seeing a brand new look to Mr Papa’s World. I may still be tweaking it a bit now and then. Hopefully, everyone will find it a bit more appealing and functional. Please let me know what you think about the redesign.
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