Okay, I have moved servers again… I was getting too many cpu exceeded errors on the old host… Hopefully, they are now a thing of the past… If you are seeing this post, you have arrived at the new server.
Archives for December 2007
Back To Netflix
Well, looks like its time for us to switch back to Netflix for our video rentals. We were one of the early/original subscribers to Netflix when they first began their novel approach to video rentals. Getting our movies by mail was a time saver and it was really convenient to be able to keep them […]
Vacation Home Rentals Tool To Help Plan Our Next Family Reunion
Suzanne’s family is trying to plan a big family reunion for the summer of 2009. For years, her family has been renting beach front houses at Gulf Shores, Alabama through a local realty company. This company has been difficult to deal with and has very strict rules for when and how houses can be booked. […]
The Kids As Elves

You might remember my post about the our local community’s Christmas party. At that party, our kids were lucky enough to be Santa’s Helpers. The best part for them was riding in the fire truck. Anyways, I thought I would post a picture of them and the other kids dressed up as elves.
Help Choosing A Hosting Plan
One of the toughest decision for bloggers has always been where to host their blogs. Choosing a hosting company for your blogs has been one of trial and error or relying on the experiences of your friends. Well, we now have another tool in our arsenal for choosing a hosting company. There is a new […]
New Board Games
For Christmas this year, the kids received a whole bunch of new board games. As a family that plays a lot of board games, Christmas is always a chance for us to try out some new games. This year, the kids also got some of the old favorites redone. Amongst the new games they got […]
I’ve Joined Payperpost
I have been blogging here at Mr Papa’s world for over three years now (the last two years in its current WordPress format). Most of my posts have been related to what’s been happening in our family. A few posts have ventured out into politics or our favorite pastime cruise travel or other unrelated areas. […]
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to everyone! Its bright and early this Christmas morning. Soon the kids will be awake and it will be time to open the presents. Frankly, I am surprised they slept in this late, but they have never really risen all that early on Christmas morning. They certainly are better sleepers than I was […]
Christmas Menu
Time to disclose what the Klasens will be having to eat this Christmas holiday season. I have to admit, that I am not planning on spending as much time cooking over the next few days as I have in past seasons. We are all quite in the holiday spirit, but have decided to spend more […]
New Arizona Immigration Laws Working
Wow, was surprised to read on CNN that the new Arizona Immigration laws are working. Good deal… Glad to see the laws are having positive benefits here in Arizona. I haven’t really noticed a drop in border crossers passing through our area though. I certainly wish they would take their trash with them. Maybe we […]
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