We are very excited to announce that we, Suzanne and Steve, have opened our own travel agency in the form of a CruiseOne franchise location in Sonoita, AZ serving customers in our local area, all of Southern Arizona, and nationwide. This is something that we had been thinking about for a while, but we finally […]
Mr Papa’s World Redesign

That time again – time for an overhaul to the appearance of Mr Papa’s World. I guess if I wasn’t redesign the site every year or so, I would get bored! ๐ This time I have lightened it up once again – and simplified. It seems I am not finding the time to blog that […]
New Look For Mr Papa’s World
It’s that time again – time for a new look for Mr Papa’s World. This time, it was necessitated by a simple fact that several features of the site were not working to them being outdated. I needed to either get them working or update the general appearance. Since it had been a while since […]
Showstopper Photos Uploaded
We uploaded the photos from last weekend’s Showstopper Competition. We are very proud of all the dancers from the Alma Dolores International Dance Center for doing so well.
Photos From First Five Days of the Transatlantic Cruise Uploaded
Okay, Suzanne has finished her work on the photos from the first five days of our recent Transatlantic cruise from Rome, Italy to Fort Lauderdal, Fl on board the Celebrity Solstice. This was a fantastic cruise and I hope it shows in the pictures. She still has another 8 or 9 days of photos to […]
Initial Rome – Transatlantic Cruise Photos Available
Today, I have uploaded the first set of photos from our recent family vacation to Rome, Italy followed by a transatlantic cruise on the Celebrity Solstice. This first batch of photos are from our first four days in the city of Rome, Italy. I still want to go through all the photos and caption them, […]
Another New Look
If its Fall again, it must be time to update the look of Mr Papa’s World. Upon arriving at the site now, you will obviously notice a big difference from the previous look. I have tried to update the site theme based upon my more recent usage of the site. Instead of the light colors, […]
My Poor Blog
Oh my poor little blog. How I have neglected it lately! It’s not really by choice, but things have become hectic around here. It probably sounds old, but with work and the kids now doing something damn near every night, time for Mr Papa’s World has been limited. I have managed to do little “Quick […]
New Dance Site Launched
Okay, time to reveal where I have been lately. Suzanne decided that the dance studio she and the kids go to needed a new and improved website. To be honest, they did. The previous one was fixed html and very, very slow due to incredibly large images (30 MB+) being show as thumbnails. Anyways, she […]
New Photo Gallery Operational
As previously detailed in this post, Mr Papa’s World is happy and proud to unveil our new photo gallery system on this website. That post details the why of the new gallery, so I won’t rehash it. We still have some work to do on the new gallery, primarily adding captions to the photos, but […]
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