Suzanne has taken again to putting a bunch our old stuff up for auction on Ebay. I say old stuff because some of it is still pretty good stuff, but we just dont use it.  She has a stack of stuff to get up over the next few weeks. Recently, she has put a bunch […]
Technorati Rankings
Mr Papa’s World and most of my other sites are all claimed as blogs over at Technorati. For grins, I thought I would pass along my current ranking there as blogs go. Currently, Mr Papa’s World has a blog ranking of about 174,000. I dont fully understand how they calculate that ranking, but it’s based […]
Net Hopping
I am going to try to do something occasionally here at Mr Papa’s World. I will call it Net Hopping. I read a lot of interesting articles/post from around the internet thanks to the wonders of RSS feed readers. I am going to start posting an occasional blog with links to some of the more […]
A Little Military Trivia
I received the following military trivia from a friend that is former military in an email the other day. I found it to be interesting and thought I would share it. I haven’t actually confirmed the information below, so treat it accordingly. Supposedly, this information has been attributed to military history buff Col. D.G. Swinford, […]
Blog Things
Yes, we are on our way to San Diego for our annual Thanksgiving cruise, but that doesnt mean I cant post – aint technology great? I have been helping a guy over at Doddemagen get his site up and running and noticed some interesting posts about strange little quizzes such as “What color of Blue […]
Website Moves
I recently made the decision to move my websites (four in production with fifth in planning) to a new host and new server. This decision didnt come easily. I wasnt really all that happy with the current host. They ( had gone through many rough areas. I had been with them for about 15 months. […]
Different Kind of Theme Park

Las Vegas is a fun town. I visited there many times when I lived in California for a short period of time. When in Vegas, I usually turned to the blackjack tables for entertainment. Judging by the photos below, the Stratosphere Hotel in Las Vegas might be a different kind of place to go. This […]
Ronald Reaganisms
Lots of work getting these sites moved. So far, only Mr Papa’s World is up. Waiting for the DNS to change on the others then make sure they work. So, only a quick post, but being a fan of Ronald Reagan, I found these sayings attributed to him to be quite nice. Actually, havent researched […]
Coincidence? I Think Not…
Okay, now this is probably old and many may have seen it, but I hadnt and it got a very nice laugh out of me. It’s also political in nature, which I usually avoid blogging about. Anyways, here ya go… Many people will recall that on July 8, 1947, witnesses claim that an unidentified flying […]
America’s Army 2.7 Released
America’s Army has finally released the long awaited version 2.7. Unfortunately, the new version is not available in a patch and the whole game must be downloaded again. That means, a whopping download of 2.5GB. In today’s era of broadband, that is not too bad for most – maybe a few hours. Since I happen […]
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