Summer’s Here, but Where’s the Heat?

Summer is approaching fast and will be here in a couple of days. Normally at this time of the year, we are just starting to reach our limit of not having the air conditioning on in Arizona. This year, we haven’t even thought of it yet. Most of Arizona has had their air conditioners on […]

My Birthday

Well, tomorrow is my birthday. Turning the big 45. I probably shouldn’t mention it, but hey, you are only as old as you think you are. Luckily, tomorrow is one of our off Fridays at work, so I get to stay home, relax and spend some quality time on the computer. Okay, so I am […]

Travel and More Travel

Sorry for the absence, but the new job (within same company) has a bit more travel required. I just recently returned from a trip to Alabama and have another pending trip to Hawaii – yeah, that’s a rough one. Suzanne will be tagging along on that trip. Her parents are going to drive in from […]

Where’s Mr Papa?

Okay, time for one of these posts again as its been a while since I have posted. The New Year has kept me hopping both at work and at home. On the home front, over the holidays and to a lesser extent afterwards, we have had renewed energy on family game night. During the holidays, […]

Sleep Study

This past weekend, I got to have some fun and have a sleep study done. It seemed a bit odd as I dont really think of myself as having any sleep disorders except for self inflicted ones by staying up way too late. However, my doctor wanted me to do one, so I did. During […]

It’s Finally Over!

Yes, the election is finally over and to no one’s surprise, it’s not the result I was hoping for, though it was not unexpected either. The US has definitely stepped to the left here. Still, Congratulations to President elect Obama. The over arching sad part here is that each and every Presidential election we go […]

Sean’s Football Season Comes to a Close

Today was the last game of the season for Sean’s football team. It ended much the way it began, on a bad note. They lost again today by a score of 45 – 14 to Benson. It also closed out a winless season for the kids. The game today was never close as Benson raced […]

What’s Up With the Lions?

Holy cow, what has gotten into the Detroit Lions lately? They are finally starting to act like an NFL football team. Most of my readers know that I am an avid, loyal, long time Detroit Lions fan and am not afraid to admit it! 😉 They have, unfortunately, been the doormat of the NFL for […]

Financial Bail Out?

There’s been a lot of press lately about this financial bail out. I am not sure how they come up with some of these names for things. What it really amounts to is an attempt to fix our silly socialized mortgage system. Fannie Mae and Fannie Mac were bad ideas to begin with and now […]

Unwanted Guests

[image title=”Bees In Arch” size=”thumbnail” id=”2023″ align=”none” alt=”Bees In Arch” linkto=”viewer” ] We awoke on Sunday morning to some unwanted guests at our front door. No, they weren’t more illegal aliens, but instead were a swarm of Africanized Bees. Seems that overnight a swarm of the hostile bees had decided to stake out a claim […]