Okay, time for one of these posts again as its been a while since I have posted. The New Year has kept me hopping both at work and at home. On the home front, over the holidays and to a lesser extent afterwards, we have had renewed energy on family game night. During the holidays, […]
Interesting Web Site

First and foremost, I am not claiming what that image says. In fact, I had some trepidation about doing this post, but after the initial shock (and laugh) its a serious site. Recently, on the open source WordPress forum plugin that I help develop, we had a support request from a site called I Married […]
Lions Fan Site
With the upcoming NFL season, I need to make a decision about my Detroit Lions fan site. I really like the site and really like talking about my favorite NFL team, the Detroit Lions. Unfortunately, as one can see by looking at the site, I haven’t made a post since late June. This isn’t from […]
Coming Soon – New Gallery Look
Well not all that soon to be quite honest. Its going to take a lot of work to convert over all my albums and photos to a new appearance, but work will start soon. If you have been wondering about the lack of activity here at Mr Papa’s World its because of all the work […]
I’ve Joined Payperpost
I have been blogging here at Mr Papa’s world for over three years now (the last two years in its current WordPress format). Most of my posts have been related to what’s been happening in our family. A few posts have ventured out into politics or our favorite pastime cruise travel or other unrelated areas. […]
Site Upgrades
Last night, I updated the base WordPress version that this blog runs on. I also updated many of the plugins, including the photo gallery, that I also run on this site. Hopefully, this won’t even be noticeable to my readers. One thing you will notice is the shoutbox is missing. This is due to it […]
158th Website Relaunched
Sorry for having been mostly silent lately, but I have been hard at work relaunching my America’s Army clan site, The 158th Regimental Combat Team. Our clan has used the same basic site design for the last 18 months. It was time to do something different. I spent the last couple months coming up with […]
Net Hopping
I am going to try to do something occasionally here at Mr Papa’s World. I will call it Net Hopping. I read a lot of interesting articles/post from around the internet thanks to the wonders of RSS feed readers. I am going to start posting an occasional blog with links to some of the more […]
Website Updates
If you are a frequent visitor to Mr Papa’s World, you may have noticed some of the recent enhancements to the website. I thought I would spend a couple of minutes and let everyone know about the recent improvements. Print this Post – I have added the capability for Mr Papa’s World readers to print […]
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