Yes! It’s finally here – or well at least will be in the morning! Our much anticipated vacation to Rome, Italy followed by a transatlantic cruise home. It definitely seems like more than a year since our last cruise, but it was this time last year we embarked on our trip to Barcelona, Spain followed […]
Barcelona and Transatlantic Cruise 2008 – Day 8 – Day at Sea

[image title=”029″ size=”thumbnail” id=”2073″ align=”none” linkto=”viewer” ] Today we enjoyed another day at sea after having visited Malagal, Spain yesterday. During the night, the seas picked up a bit. At the noon time update, the Captain reported that we would be experiencing a sea state with about 10 – 12 foot swells. The ship did […]
Football Season is Here
Oh yeah! It’s that time of the year again. Football Season! Along with the cooling of temperatures here in Arizona and our annual fall/winter cruise approaching, this is an awesome time of the year! College football is already under way. The NFL starts tonight. And, Sean’s football season begins this weekend. I am actually holding […]
Yes, It’s Another “Where’s Mr Papa?”
Where in the heck did the last week go? It was nothing but a blur. That’s good in some respects and bad in others. As to my website updates, it was bad. Sorry for the lack of updates over the last week. A pop up business trip opportunity became available for next week and it […]
Coming Soon – New Gallery Look
Well not all that soon to be quite honest. Its going to take a lot of work to convert over all my albums and photos to a new appearance, but work will start soon. If you have been wondering about the lack of activity here at Mr Papa’s World its because of all the work […]
First Day Of My Yearly Xmas Vacation
Today, I began my annual Christmas vacation. Inevitably, the year has been very busy and I have a hard time taking vacation. Thus, at the end of the year, I always have a bunch of vacation that I have to take or lose. This year wasn’t any different. I haven’t decided if I will be […]
Business Trip To Germany
If you have been watching my Quick Thoughts updates to the right, then you know I was recently in Germany on a business trip. I really like trips to Germany, but they are still hard on one. This was a pretty quick trip except that we had a weekend stay involved. One of my colleagues […]
June 2007 Alaska Cruise Pictures Uploaded
We are finally done! The photos from are June 2007 Cruise to Alaska on board the Celebrity Mercury are finally uploaded here at Mr Papa’s World. Actually, a month and half isn’t too bad. 😉 The cruise was a ton of fun and the scenery was absolutely amazing. I hope the pictures can give you […]
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