Yesterday, we made a port of call in Cartagena, Spain. It’s a relatively small coastal Spanish town that dates back to before the Romans. We were not really sure what there was to do in town. There were not many tours, so we had decided to just walk around town and take it in. As […]
Stanley Cup Time
It’s Stanley Cup time again in the NHL and once again the Detroit Red Wings are playing for Lord Stanley’s Cup. I love watching the NHL finals, especially when the Red Wings are there. I don’t get a chance during the season to watch too many games but I always make it a point to […]
My Poor Blog
Oh my poor little blog. How I have neglected it lately! It’s not really by choice, but things have become hectic around here. It probably sounds old, but with work and the kids now doing something damn near every night, time for Mr Papa’s World has been limited. I have managed to do little “Quick […]
Barcelona and Transatlantic Cruise 2008 – Day 12 – Las Palmas, Canary Islands

[image title=”img_4702″ size=”thumbnail” id=”2095″ align=”none” linkto=”viewer” ] Today we had another port of call in the Canary Islands. Today’s stop was the island of Las Palmas. The Canary Islands are part of Spain. This would be our last port of call before making the Atlantic crossing. We had already decided to pretty much just stay […]
Yes, It’s Another “Where’s Mr Papa?”
Where in the heck did the last week go? It was nothing but a blur. That’s good in some respects and bad in others. As to my website updates, it was bad. Sorry for the lack of updates over the last week. A pop up business trip opportunity became available for next week and it […]
Summer Dance Recital
This weekend was the annual Summer dance recital for Suzanne and the kids and their Alma Dolores International Dance Studio. This is a two night performance of the all the kids and adults that have been working on dances since the end of the year show. The first night is usually a fun, high energy […]
Where’s Mr Papa? Plus Another Victory
Wow, been a while since my last post – my apologies. It’s been a busy time. And a fun time. I will try to bring yall up to date on what’s been going on. First, last night was another victory for Sean’s baseball team. They won a close game by a score of 7 – […]
Cinco de Mayo Festival
Today was the annual Cinco de Mayo festival (yes, its only May 3rd) in Sierra Vista. Suzanne and the kids always join their dance studio, Alma Dolores International Dance, for a couple of hours of dancing to entertain the crowd. The weather was perfect, maybe a bit over eighty and sunny. It was a red […]
Showstopper National Dance Competition Photos Uploaded
Today, we have completed the uploading of the recent Showstopper National Dance Competition photos here at Mr Papa’s World. The dance competition was held in Anaheim, CA in mid-July. It was held at the Disney Land Resort. It was five days of fun filled action for the Klasens as they brought home the Gold in […]
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