The kids and I are having a fantastic time in Anaheim at the Showstopper Competition. For the kids, all of their Solo and Group numbers scored in the Gold award category. Thursday was a full day with Sean and Savannah performing their Mexican Folklorico routines Then Savannah’s Polynesian class performed their number followed by Sean […]
Vacation Finally Here!
Well, finally its here! A vacation. Right about now, we are jetting our way to Michigan for a little family reunion. I am in desperate need of a vacation as this will essentially be my first of the year. We did take a week back in March for a Pechuls family reunion, but I was […]
Destructo Dog Demolishes Door Frame

While we were enjoying the excitement and fun of Bandera, Texas, our dogsitter called us to let us know that our beloved Sue Ellen, the wonder mutt, had gone a little nuts while we were gone and managed to shred the door frame in our bathroom that served as her kennel. The dog sitter had […]
At The Lions Game
As detailed before, we spent Sunday and Monday this week in Phoenix. Sean and I attended the Detroit Lions vs the Arizona Cardinals NFL game on Sunday afternoon. Suzanne and Savannah went along to have some girl time out and then some family time at the end of the day and Monday. Unfortunately, the Lions […]
Family Reunions
Next year seems to be the year of family reunions. Currently, we have two on the plans for next year. My family, the Klasens, will be gathering in Michigan next year for a family reunion. The exact time is not yet established but it will be around the Fourth of July. The exact plan aren’t […]
Cruise Talk Central Getting Noticed
As some of you know, Suzanne and I also run a cruise blog over at Cruise Talk Central. At that site, we blog about our cruise travels and have information available for other cruisers researching cruising. We have photos, videos and reviews of the cruises and excursions that we have done. We also list the […]
Showstopper National Dance Competition Photos Uploaded
Today, we have completed the uploading of the recent Showstopper National Dance Competition photos here at Mr Papa’s World. The dance competition was held in Anaheim, CA in mid-July. It was held at the Disney Land Resort. It was five days of fun filled action for the Klasens as they brought home the Gold in […]
June 2007 Alaska Cruise Pictures Uploaded
We are finally done! The photos from are June 2007 Cruise to Alaska on board the Celebrity Mercury are finally uploaded here at Mr Papa’s World. Actually, a month and half isn’t too bad. 😉 The cruise was a ton of fun and the scenery was absolutely amazing. I hope the pictures can give you […]
Family Update
Just a quick family update as I haven’t posted in a few days due to getting slammed at work and in preparation for our upcoming trip to Anaheim… It seems that Suzanne managed to lose our digital camera while attending her Grandmother’s funeral last week. She is not even sure where she lost it, but […]
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