Well, technically it was yesterday, but today being Saturday, we are doing most of the celebration activities today. More on that later… Yesterday the kids had a half day of school and their 1st Semester awards program. Both kids received honor roll once again with Sean earning a 4.96 grade point and Savannah earning a […]
Barcelona and Transatlantic Cruise 2008 – Day 15 – Atlantic Crossing

[image title=”img_4962″ size=”thumbnail” id=”2111″ align=”none” linkto=”viewer” ] Today was third sea day as part of the Atlantic. The seas have continued to remain very calm with swells of only 2 to 3 feet. This may be the most gentile cruise I have been on yet. Who would have thought that for a December Atlantic Crossing? […]
Sean’s Team Doesn’t Lose
No, they didn’t win either. Technically, I guess they did lose as they had to forfeit only having 10 players for the game today. The weather has been pretty rough today – on and off rain – and several kids didn’t show up or did other things because they didn’t think we would play in […]
I stumbled upon a pretty neat site the other day. It’s called Wordsplosion. According to their site, “Wordsplosion brings you the best of the worst of the world of grammatical errors, punctuation gaffes, misspellings, typography etc. We call this family of textual catastrophes “wordsplosionsâ€. They have some pretty funny signs and other total misuse of […]
Sean’s Birthday Festivities
Sean’s Birthday was last Thursday, but today we had his fun day. Most of the presents were opened last week, but today was his day on the town. As previously mentioned, the kids get a party with their friends every other year and then on the other year, we have a family day. It started […]
Bandera, TX – Part IV Water Park and Board Games
Finally, on Wednesday of our trip, we had a warm enough day to utilize the water park. They opened up the water park for a few weeks in November and then opened it again this spring. The park features a children’s splash area with bubbly fountains, slides and a huge bucket that fills and dumps […]
Sean’s Ski Report
Sean had a fantastic time during his ski trip at Mt. Lemmon Ski Valley yesterday. Mt. Lemmon is in the Catalina Mountains above Tucson. One of his friends from school was going up there on Sunday to ski and asked if Sean wanted to go along. This was Sean’s second time skiing. So, he again […]
Everybody’s Famous For 15 Minutes (or more) on YawpBox
I had a goofy friend in college who thought Andy Warhol was the most visionary artist ever. My friends even cried the day he died. Maybe my friend was just as visionary, because Warhol’s famous saying that everyone is famous for 15 minutes seems more true today than ever. That saying reflected Warhol’s ability to […]
Mr Papa – Rare Beef!
I have posted recently about the huge amount of spam I receive here at Mr Papa’s World. The spam continues. Another thing that has been quite prevalent, even more so over at Cruise Talk Central has been content scraping. Content scraping is the stealing of content from one site and publishing it on another site. […]
Site Upgrade
Tonight, I upgraded Mr Papa’s World to the latest version of WordPress, the software that drives the site. This was a fairly major release and upgrade required. I had to make sure all of the mods I have done to the site still functioned. There are still a few kinks to work out as not […]
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