Yesterday was the 2nd day of our crossing. The weather has continued to hold nicely with at most 6 foot swells. We did run through a couple of rain showers, but the Captain explained those as necessary because of budget cuts and he need to clean the outside of the ship. It’s really nice to […]
Barcelona and Transatlantic Cruise 2008 – Day 7 – Malaga, Spain

[image title=”img_4194″ size=”thumbnail” id=”2067″ align=”none” linkto=”viewer” ] Today was our first port of call on our 2008 transatlantic cruise. The port was Malaga, Spain, the birthplace of famed painter Picasso. The ship docked about 7:00 am, but due to our late bedtime the night before, we didn’t rise from our slumber until about 11:00 am. […]
Nashville Star
First, I am not a big fan of all the reality TV shows that are on now. However, Suzanne and the kids are big fans. In the interest of family time, I do watch a few of them with them. Being a big fan of Country music, I have always found Nashville Star to be […]
Busy Day For Suzanne
Today is a busy day for Suzanne. She has two singing performances scheduled for today. I am sure she will be thoroughly exhausted by the end of the day. The first performance is a concert at the Tucson Estates community center. This is a community in Tucson that a few times a year puts on […]
Happy Mothers Day!!
Happy Mothers Day – especially to my Mom! This is your day and I hope you enjoy it! I know Suzanne will enjoy it. She has me running a bunch of errands for her today. I even had to go get her a special bottle of wine. Oh well, she gave me a couple of […]
Showstoppers Dance Competition Approaching
It’s getting to be that time of the year again when the Showstoppers Dance competitions begin. In a couple of weeks, we will be on the road again to Phoenix for the competition. This year, Suzanne, Savannah and Sean will be competing. This is the first year for Sean. He will be doing a duet […]
Sonoita Singer Listening Center
For any of you who have checked out Suzanne’s Sonoita Singer blog site, just passing along that we have uploaded the first mp3’s of her singing to the Listening Center there. If you head on over there, you can check out her singing a few songs from one of her shows. Those were the first […]
New Website in Development
I guess I shouldnt have been so quick to talk about my “free time” and looking for some projects to work on. Suzanne got wind of it and decided that I should spend that energy on developing a new website for her. Sounds like a win – win situation to me. For a while now, […]
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