Monday morning during PE Class, Sean rolled his foot on the basketball court while playing capture the flag. It was hurting him when I picked him up from school, but he was still able to walk on it. I sent him to football practice, but after about a 1/2 hour the coach noticed that he […]
Stanley Cup Time
It’s Stanley Cup time again in the NHL and once again the Detroit Red Wings are playing for Lord Stanley’s Cup. I love watching the NHL finals, especially when the Red Wings are there. I don’t get a chance during the season to watch too many games but I always make it a point to […]
Sean’s Team Finally Wins One!!!
Sean’s team finally won a game last night. They had a combination of good pitching and smart fielding to pull out a decisive 5 to 1 victory. Sean injured his big toe on Sunday night by stepping on a bamboo barbecue skewer and tearing off part of the callus. It is healing, but caused him […]
Baseball Struggles Continue
Sean’s baseball team struggles continue with another loss. At least they are getting better each game and closer too. This time, the went down to defeat by a score of 10 – 7. The good new is that at one point in the game, they were actually leading 7 – 6. But once again, a […]
Close (Sort of) But No Cigar For Sean’s Team
Monday meant another baseball game for Sean’s team. They had started the season with two consecutive losses and were hoping to stop that bad streak in this game. Unfortunately, it was not to be as they went down to defeat once again by a score of 19 – 4. Actually, the game was a whole […]
Cruise Talk Central Redesign
Okay, now I can give some explanation for my absence of late – well, at least part of the reason. 😉 I have been hard at work redesigning our Cruise Talk Central site. Seems like every 18 months or so, I get the urge to redesign the appearance of my sites and it was time […]
Sean’s Team Loses Again
Game #2 of Sean’s baseball season is in the books. Like the first game, this one was another defeat. This time, the boys lost by a score of 10 – 3. It was a rather odd game to have to sit through and watch. If I remember correctly, the pitchers on Sean’s team limited the […]
Baseball Season Starts For Sean
Yesterday, Sean’s baseball team opened the season. Unfortunately, they got off to a very bad start and got walloped 20 – 0. Its shaping up as a very long year for Sean’s team. Last year, they had the best team in the area. Sean has been playing with the older kids and was going to […]
Showstoppers Weekend Again
Well, sort of… It is time for the regional Showstopper dance competition weekend in Phoenix once again. However, Suzanne’s and Savannah’s dance studio has decided to not do Showstopper this year. I am not really sure why, but the studio is passing this year. That doesn’t mean the girls are passing this year – at […]
Happy Birthday Savannah!

Well, technically it was yesterday, but today being Saturday, we are doing most of the celebration activities today. More on that later… Yesterday the kids had a half day of school and their 1st Semester awards program. Both kids received honor roll once again with Sean earning a 4.96 grade point and Savannah earning a […]
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