Now that the next cruise is booked, its time to start getting ready for it. The trip originates in Barcelona, Spain and ends in San Juan, Puerto Rico – both are Spanish speaking areas. This past Christmas, as a gift, I got Rosetta Stone German. I occasionally go to Germany on business and have worked […]
Showstopper 2008 Day 1
Actually, no Showstopper dances today as it was a travel day for us to get to Phoenix. We have lucked out this year and all of the kids and Suzanne’s dances are on Saturday. In past years, they have had dances on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I worked today and had Suzanne and the kids […]
Savannah’s Birthday Party
Savannah’s Birthday was this past Wednesday. Tomorrow, we will have a big Birthday bash for her. We usually have fairly big Birthday parties for each of the kids every other year. On the off years, we usually have a more reserved family party or go out for a nice dinner. This year, Savannah wanted a […]
Family and Vacation Update
Unfortunately, my extended holiday vacation is drawing to a close. The last day I worked was Dec 6 and I have been on vacation since. This is the longest vacation in my career that I have taken from work. I will be back in the office on Monday. My company has a “use it or […]
The Kids As Elves

You might remember my post about the our local community’s Christmas party. At that party, our kids were lucky enough to be Santa’s Helpers. The best part for them was riding in the fire truck. Anyways, I thought I would post a picture of them and the other kids dressed up as elves.
Vacation Update

Vacation continues to go nicely. I really needed some time off. The last part of the year at work was rough. I still haven’t decided if I am going to go back to work on the 2nd of January or delay until the 7th. I had been thinking the 2nd, but the kids are trying […]
Why Does Vacation Just Zip By?
Wow, the time just flies by when you are on vacation. It hardly seems like its been a week so far, but it has. Luckily, I will still be on vacation for almost another three weeks. The worst part is that it seems like I have accomplished almost nothing of substance done while on vacation. […]
Thanksgiving Visitors
It feels really odd for us to have Thanksgiving approaching and for us to not be prepping for a cruise. Over the last four Thanksgiving holidays, we have been on a cruise for three of them, including the last two. It has almost become a tradition for our family. Since we did an Alaska cruise […]
Busy Days Ahead
Just when one seems to be relaxing into the lovely fall weather here in Arizona, bang, we go and get busy. Sean and Savannah have only two more weeks left in the regular season of football, but this occupies a significant portion of our Saturdays and three evenings a week for Suzanne and the kids. […]
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