So Sean enters high school next year. Am I really that old? And has time really gone by that fast! Wow… Even worse, we have been doing a lot of running around for both kids getting them to various events almost every day of the week. We had hoped that it would ease up a […]
Sean “Wins” Lottery
We recently posted about Sean having to enter a lottery for his high school choice. Since we live in rural Arizona and in an area without a high school, kids get to choose which high school they want to go to. There are about 5 realistically choices in the area (ie within 45 mins) where […]
MathCounts Competition
This weekend, Sean was able to compete in the Arizona state MathCounts competition. He earned the right to compete by finishing 2nd in the regional competition. Mathlete is what they call the kids who compete. Lol, not sure how accurate that moniker is but its cute. After registration, they kicked all the coaches (yes, mathletes […]
Sean and Savannah Qualify for Math Counts Competition
A couple of days ago the kids middle school held a math competition for the students to see which students would get to go to the regional Math Counts competition. Sean competed last year and placed fourth in the region if my memory serves me right. This was Savannah’s first attempt at the Math Counts […]
Report Cards, Teacher Conferences, and High School Selection
Last Friday was a busy day as we had our parent teacher conferences with the middle school teachers and got the kids report cards. Sean had all A’s with a 4.05 GPA Gold Honor Roll. Savannah just missed Gold Honor Roll with a 3.9 GPA Silver Honor Roll. The teachers said that the 3.9 is […]
Sean Broke His Foot
Monday morning during PE Class, Sean rolled his foot on the basketball court while playing capture the flag. It was hurting him when I picked him up from school, but he was still able to walk on it. I sent him to football practice, but after about a 1/2 hour the coach noticed that he […]
Happy Birthday Savannah!

Well, technically it was yesterday, but today being Saturday, we are doing most of the celebration activities today. More on that later… Yesterday the kids had a half day of school and their 1st Semester awards program. Both kids received honor roll once again with Sean earning a 4.96 grade point and Savannah earning a […]
I Finally See One of Sean’s Basketball Games
I finally had an opportunity to see on of Sean’s basketball games yesterday. All of his games start at 3:30 in the afternoon which means leaving work about 2:30 just to get to the close games. Most would require me to leave even earlier. The middle school games are supposed to be organized into A, […]
Savannah Wins Veterans Day Essay Contest
Every year, the kids school gets very heavily into Veterans Day. They have big festivities complete with Army Marching Band, guest speakers and every year up until this year, a military flyover. The rural community has always supported the school well and this celebration is no different as many attend the school’s festivities. One of […]
Basketball Season Begins For Sean
Football season is barely over, but basketball season has begun for Sean this week. They have already played two games and his middle school team is 1 – 1. Sean is the starting point guard for the team. Its ironic that he is even playing basketball. The sport was my favorite growing up as a […]
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