As I mentioned this weekend, it was Savannah’s Birthday and we headed into town for fun and dinner. First stop was the mall as Savannah wanted to walk around and shop with some money she had received for her birthday. It was kind of convenient too since the movie theater was right there. She ended […]
Happy Birthday Savannah!

Well, technically it was yesterday, but today being Saturday, we are doing most of the celebration activities today. More on that later… Yesterday the kids had a half day of school and their 1st Semester awards program. Both kids received honor roll once again with Sean earning a 4.96 grade point and Savannah earning a […]
Feeling Like An Idiot
As a pretty technical savvy guy, I am feeling like quite an idiot tonight. For the last year or two since we replaced our last HDTV with our current model, we have struggled with an issue on the TV that I have been unable to resolve. But, that’s not where the problem really lies. This […]
Smoking and Super Heroes
Yesterday I put my new Christmas present, a smoker to the test. We also decided to have a Super Hero movie marathon to watch three relatively new movies that we hadn’t yet seen. I spent a fair amount of time yesterday getting the meats ready to smoke. I had decided to smoke a top loin […]
Vantage Point
We just finished watching a very good movie this evening. The movie was Vantage Point. It had very novel concept of seeing events and then backtracking. The move viewed one specific event from the eyes of about six different people. It would first show you the event, in this case, the assassination of the US […]
What’s Up With the Lions?
Holy cow, what has gotten into the Detroit Lions lately? They are finally starting to act like an NFL football team. Most of my readers know that I am an avid, loyal, long time Detroit Lions fan and am not afraid to admit it! 😉 They have, unfortunately, been the doormat of the NFL for […]
Sean’s Team Doesn’t Lose
No, they didn’t win either. Technically, I guess they did lose as they had to forfeit only having 10 players for the game today. The weather has been pretty rough today – on and off rain – and several kids didn’t show up or did other things because they didn’t think we would play in […]
Football Season is Here
Oh yeah! It’s that time of the year again. Football Season! Along with the cooling of temperatures here in Arizona and our annual fall/winter cruise approaching, this is an awesome time of the year! College football is already under way. The NFL starts tonight. And, Sean’s football season begins this weekend. I am actually holding […]
Sean’s Birthday Festivities
Sean’s Birthday was last Thursday, but today we had his fun day. Most of the presents were opened last week, but today was his day on the town. As previously mentioned, the kids get a party with their friends every other year and then on the other year, we have a family day. It started […]
Interesting Web Site

First and foremost, I am not claiming what that image says. In fact, I had some trepidation about doing this post, but after the initial shock (and laugh) its a serious site. Recently, on the open source WordPress forum plugin that I help develop, we had a support request from a site called I Married […]
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